1200 Termignoni Baffled!

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Carr01, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. A bit unusual I know, but has anyone tried to fit the baffle into a new termi can? Had it fitted this week and I would like to compare the sound difference between it in and it out. It's such a tight fit I feel if I "tap" it in it'll never come out! Thinking of grinding some of the high spots off, but it's a bit of a faff on a ££ exhaust system. Any tips?
  2. I had to use a file on mine and it's still a tight fit.
    Sound wise it doesn't seem to make much difference, I run mine without.

    The easiest way to get it out is with a slide hammer hook type thing (can't remember what I improvised with last time).

    Deaks :)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. I think the volume is very close in and out just deeper out
  4. Stu, in or out?
  5. I run with it in mate runs with it out
  6. I found the baffle was still in on my Termi on the mutley I bought in November.

    That didnt last long, have taken it out and lovely deep sound now coming out. Tickover decibels rose from 94 to 101 too....
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