Garmin Zumo At Aldi

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by GordonH, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. I was originally going to mount my iphone but two things swung me towards this.
    1. Waterproof - no additional covers required.
    2. Works with Gloves.

    I was surprised when it arrived that it was bigger, heavier and better made than I expected. My last Garmin (for the car) was years ago and it was a cheap plasticky thing. This feels much better quality plus screen is bigger than Iphone 5.
  2. Well I did some quick testing of the 340LM this afternoon after the rain had cleared.

    1) following my fun with the mounting, the position was clearly wrong it was too far back and too low out of my eye line. So looking forward to the new RAM mount next week to see if I can fix this.
    2) you can only really see the screen in daylight when it's on full brightness.
    3) Definitely got speed limits and speed camera database despite Aldi website claims.
    4) Battery life looks good. Ran without power for about 30 mins and depleted maybe 10-15%. I could see it lasting a good few hours without needing power which suits me fine as I don't intend to ride all day. P.S. the supplied power lead does not have terminals to connect to the battery just bare wires to DIY.
  3. New RAM M8 mount arrived this morning. This is exactly what I imagined I needed. Right location and neat install.

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