Washed my bike today after yesterday's ride and started it up after drying it off. There was an unhealthy rumbling noise coming from the water pump area which I have never noticed before. Admittedly I wear ear defenders when riding but this seemed excessive. I put my hand on the water pump but couldn't feel any unusual vibration. Like I say this seems excessive and I've never noticed it before, the bike is a 2014 PP with 6.5k miles on it. Do you guys hane noise coming from this area of the engine and think this is normal? I usually use Moto Rapido but they are over 100 miles away. Opinions appreciated. Steve
Thanks for the info Steve. I started the bike in the garage with the door open this morning and it sounded pretty normal. Maybe where I ran it yesterday I was getting some strange acoustics. I'll have to keep a check on it and if concerned I'll take it across to Ducati Coventry for them to have a listen.
Early 2010 models did have suspect crank bearings and I have heard of a few failing, but yours is a 2014 so I would hope that it isn't a main bearing as they were upgraded with the twin spark engine. Let's hope it was just acoustics.
Get it checked out - I thought the same as you - like a water pump rumble - dealer confirmed failing main bearings 14 PP with 10k - apparently a documented issue for Multi engines - warranty so just annoying but a lot of folks don't notice until it really goes
My bike has been at JHP for the last 4/5 weeks and I'm hopefully picking it up next week. When they stripped the engine all they found was corrosion in the belt and pulley area and they think this could have caused the rumbling noise. I was asked if I pressure wash the bike which I do now and again, but I've never directly sprayed the intake area on the belt cover. I have ridden the bike in very wet conditions but only what the bike should be able to cope with. I'm going to take a look at the photographs when I pick it up.