Dust cover for MTS 1200?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Wingedwraith, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. Hi,

    I need to cover my bike in the garage and want a reasonable quality cover that isn't almost £200 for the Ducati branded one.

    Any suggestions?


  2. Buy a decorators dust sheet - cost relatively pennies and will do the same job.
  3. 160,000 positive feedback is probably an endorsement of the seller of the first one, £55. Says semi tailored.
  4. 4 days into Mutley ownership and I am also looking at the same thing. In the past I have used outdoor covers and I see that R&G do a reasonably priced adventure bike cover which looks like it might fit the bill for me.

    PS Worried that I am already gawping over exhaust porn...
  5. I just bought one for about £40 looks good too as I wanted it to fit with the panniers on, I'll take some pics on Saturday and post them with all the details.
  6. I much prefer anything non-confrontational these days particularly but I cannot recommend the Oxford Aquatex unless for indoor use (so perfect for you oh winged one). I have 'tested' extensively by chance with this product (have used 5 so far) believing it was reasonably priced if it performed as claimed. The clear conclusion for me is that it performs (outside) far worse than products for half the price (Aquatex XL can be had for around £22-23). It's not bad from the rain point of view although considering it's name I would expect more complaints even here as rain does indeed get through the material. The part that is unacceptable is that the material degrades rapidly by exposure to sunlight and the change is permanent (both silver and black sections take on a bleached, matt appearance also). As a result the fabric is far more prone to 'L' shaped tears (the material is quite 'silk like' in construction). At first I thought this was due to sharp objects but no, a handlebar with rounded end profile or a brake lever (ditto) can do this after as little as 7 months. I have found an alternative that I am happier with but will await response to above before expound.
  7. Update on the Stretchy cover - I think I will be ordering one of these.

    It looks like it will fit a new style multi, it even has a pocket for the top box if you have one.

    Base bike

    Without Top box


    With Top Box





  8. Looks pretty good in these photos, Is that the one for the st2 etc, as it says ducati sport touring on the logo not multistrada.

  9. +1 for "Dust Off" covers. Had one on my Multi 1200 for 2 yrs now. Got it at the NEC show. Recommended.
  10. Those stretchy covers come from Podium Racing. He put up a post on here wanting someone with an ST with luggage on to use for the advertising and I was the only one to reply. The pics were taken at Castle Hedingham on the Classic Porsche owners day in September, one of the few days I managed to get out for a reasonable ride this year!
  11. Does it fit OK? they seem to be a one size fits all.
  12. Yes it fits good. Cant remember exact size, but I think it was for 'adventure' style bikes. They only did it in black when I got mine as the bike had only been out a few months, but they may offer more colours now. 2nd time I've had one of their covers (inside a garage only) now, and been pleased with them. Couple of pics. Nick

    IMG_2628.jpg IMG_2629.jpg


  13. +one for dust off. I have just bought one for the , having used them for sports bikes before.
    Great piece of kit, including Ducati logo now!
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