1200 Luggage Mount Failure

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Dave Little, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Got an odd problem with the RHS pannier on my 1 week old MTS1200 - when I picked it up, the dealer had a problem fitting this pannier, resulting in the rear mounting lug being damaged. Assumed it was a freak event, but on taking off the same pannier after a weekend away, it was stuck and despite genuinely gentle persuasion, ended up with the same lug breaking off yet again... anyone else had this problem? Seems like it relates to the receptacle that the lug goes in to... the dealer is checking it out.
  2. @Pete1950 had a similar problem.
  3. I think a few have had the same issue
  4. Exactly the same with mine on day one. Got home, removed it easily causing no damage, only to find one lugg was broken..... Being repaired under warranty but yet to see it......
  5. Thanks for reassuring me bradders and @Pete1950 - so I'm not a complete muppet after all!! Dealer been very helpful (DMC Moto) in getting sorted.
  6. Seems to me there may be some fit issues in the mount area on the frame area... mine was easy to fit/refit after it had broken! As the lug was part intact, and still locked I'm using the pannier but only to give balance and not carry anything. First service Friday and a promise of some fix at least.
  7. Seems like this is becoming a common issue with the DVT model

    Hope Ducati recognise it, and come up with an update/fix
  8. Sorry to contradict but no I haven't. Not so. I merely remarked that the hook on the (2015) pannier is not very strong, and the pannier has to be attached and removed with great care because I have heard of others having a problem.
  9. I think I had the first problem back in early May, then a number of others here and in the US followed suit. I did try to warn folks :(
  10. I've struck the same problem. Twice. Both top mounts on the left-hand side.
    The first was while still on the dealer's lot: the socket on the bike made a nasty "crunch!" and the dealer immediately took a photo for a warranty claim.
    Now the rear lug on the pannier itself is cracked, and the crack is spreading. I can really do without it breaking loose at motorway speeds, and I'm sure anybody behind me would appreciate it even less.

    That lug looks really flimsy, and I get the feeling the whole thing didn't get enough real-world testing before going into production. It also looks like we could remove and replace it with the aid of a screwdriver.
    I'm therefore thinking about getting it 3D-scanned and then getting Shapeways to print me one in steel - *that* ought to be strong enough. Not the cheapest option, but I doubt I could get enough of an economy of scale to cast a batch. If I do that, I'd be happy to share the .stl file for others to use.

    This depends on what the dealer has to say, when I bring it up with them. Currently waiting on some parts to arrive for the alarm and the first warranty claim - apparently the parts supply chain is a stereotypically Dutch/Italian joint venture.
  11. Its probably a fixing that looked perfect on the CAD system. As you say, lack of real world testing.
  12. Sorry @Pete1950 I thought I recalled a conversation at the Ace cafe when we first met.
    You told me that the rear chassis had failed at the top lug allowing the pannier to move too much.
    I see this thread has developed into the DVT, but the OP has put that is was the original 1200.
    Although he's says 1week old I wrongly took this to mean he'd only had this preloved bike for a week.
  13. Ah, this thread has become confused.

    With the 2010-2014 MTS the problem was not the lugs on the panniers (which are very strong) but the holes the lugs slot into. The holes are made of a rather fragile kind of plastic and can easily break. I did indeed experience this problem myself, and as you rightly say I mentioned it to you.

    Moving on to the 2015 DVT, the problem has been reversed. The holes the pannier lugs slot into are stronger, since the component is an alloy casting instead of plastic. The lugs (or hooks) on the panniers are less strong than before and apparently break, as several people have reported. Mine have not broken, however, so I cannot speak from personal experience.
  14. I think thats it in a nutshell Pete1950 - robust female receptacle on the bike, insufficiently robust mounting lug on pannier... I like the idea of a steel one, ExKat!! Sure Ducati will respond well!
  15. Just to add to this thread. My exhaust side rear pannier mount snapped off last month. Dealer has sent me a new one to fit foc.
  16. Just bought a 2015 DVT. Both rear lugs on panniers snapped off when trying to remove. Followed instructions in manual (unusually) as they did seem a little flimsy but both broke without any real level of force. Really does feel like a design flaw to me. Will be speaking to dealer about it.
  17. It is actually possible to fit the panniers on and off the DVT without snapping the lugs, although there is a bit of a knack to it. Many people seem to have experienced this problem.

    I think the issue is mainly when removing a pannier from the bike. The pannier is slid backwards a little and appears to be disengaged from its mountings so the user pulls it outwards and upwards. Unfortunately one of the lugs can still be engaged, and all the force is concentrated on that spot with the whole pannier acting as a lever. Since the lug is a weak spot anyway, it snaps off. Note that the weight of the pannier and contents can cause it to slide forwards into engagement again by itself, even after you have disengaged it.

    The lesson is: when taking panniers off, take care to ensure that all three mounting points are (and remain) fully disengaged before lifting the pannier away.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. I managed to break off a mount this week on my new DVT. The dealer (Riders of Bridgewater) is saying they've never heard of the issue. Can anyone help me with evidence that this can be covered under warranty? Mine is the rear right hand side lug. The service guy is even telling me he can't find the part number...
  19. Mine was certainly covered, though I don't have any documentary evidence. If he can't find the part number, it's probably because he's not looking. You could always invoke national pride and tell that even a Cloggie dealer has done it :)

    The branded panniers look pretty, but I'm giving up, swallowing the loss, and getting Touratech side-cases as soon as I can get my dealer onto the job.
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  20. The dealer just called back as I was finishing an email to them quoting the part number. He found the new part number for the reinforced lug and all is well. Thanks everyone!
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