749 Rear Light / Number Plate

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by tim1664, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. I am looking for a decent reg plate solution, bike came with a not so good home made tail tidy which I got rid of and have now put original plate holder back on, this dosn't have a number plate light or reflector, so maybe MOT failure? Would rather keep standard rear light & indicators.
    Anybody got any better ideas??

    Screen Shot 2016-04-05 at 20.06.14.png
  2. You only need a rear reflector, lack of number plate light is not an MOT fail as far as I know, however if one is fitted it has to work. A small stick on reflector on the corner of the plate will do.
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  3. My 999 has an oem light set with no separate number plate light, which is what bikes came with as standard, I believe.
    It does have a number plate light though and that is inside the lump between the stop/tail light housing and the plate.
    My bike came like it but as I understand it, this lump comes with a bulb holder already inside it and all you have to do is swap the black blanking plate for the clear one in the separate number plate light fitted to the bottom of the plate, put a bulb in the holder and you're good to go.
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  4. project

    Here are some instructions :)
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  5. project
    and here's the very neat tail tidy that the instructions are intended for.
    Looks great value :)
    #6 Old rider, Apr 7, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. project
    Appear to be cheaper here at £45.00
  7. Just a note.. watch out for some aftermarket tail tidy's, they can be at the wrong angle, catch your rear tyre, and rip your tail light/indicator assembly clean off...I kid you not!
  8. This is great advice thanks very much, I thought that block looked like it should be a light and couldn't understand why there was a separate one!
    I just need to source the plate light cover now.
  9. Try asking if anyone has one...
  10. Thanks, I will do, just going to strip it down first & see if I just need the lens or the inside electrics as well.
  11. You can probably improvise a clear lens easily enough. Just remove the opaque one and silicone some clear plastic in place. If someone has a spare genuine though, that's obviously better.

    Fingers crossed
  12. I have the Project R one and it's a perfect fit.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. Good to know.

    What are project R like to deal with?

    As they sell clear rear lenses with and without LED boards, with a £19.99 difference in price, I was thinking of asking if they would be prepared to sell just a board for the same price... :)
    #15 Old rider, Apr 9, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2016
  14. Hi, sorry to hijack this comment, but do you have a good photo of it all fitted on the bike, I noticed this and I'm looking for a tail tidy aswell
    thx, Andy
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  15. Yes, they will sell me an LED board to fit straight into my 749/999 tail light assembly with just two spade connectors to connect.
    Price is 19.99 plus 2.99 postage.
    Serious bargain!
  16. image.jpg

    Ordered Sunday, arrived today - Tuesday.
    £22.98 inc 1st class postage
  17. image.jpg
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  18. Looks great, did you still need to keep the separate number plate light or does it do both?
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