1200 Changing The Battery In The Key,, 2014 Mts

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Barrycg, Apr 9, 2016.

  1. How the feck do you get the key apart without damaging it ?
    I've followed the instructions in the manual with no joy, and given it a fair amount of force,
    bikes telling me battery is low.
  2. First time you do it, the case will be really tight. Nothing strange going on, you just need to put some more force. There are no hidden clips that can be damaged. Use the larger coin you can find that fits in the slit and twist. Do it as close to the corners as you can. Hope it helps
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  3. Changed mine yesterday ... found this video in my search into how, 20p piece worked for me
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. Thanks for that mines being a pig I tried with a £2 coin, a big repair washer and given it some serious force.
  5. Had to do mine yesterday, was a worry trying to get the key apart!
    Thought at first that maybe the keyless antenna had failed as there was no warning the battery was low, and it wouldn't work as a passive key either, which according to the handbook it should. New battery appears to have cured it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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