Request - 749 Carbon Fibre Exhaust Heat Shield

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by ceetaji, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. I've been doing some looking for an exact size/ shape replacement carbon fibre exhaust heat shield (good quality product with UV Protected and ideally heat proof backing) for my Ducati 749 Bip 2005.

    I've looked online but cannot locate one that is shown fitted to the bike to ascertain if it is close enough to the original article (I've contacted a couple of companies but am waiting to hear back).

    In the meantime, if anyone has one to my spec (or as close as) would you be kind enough to let me know where they got it from, perhaps even with a picture showing it fitted I'd be really REALLY grateful!

    Thanks in advance

  2. That my friend is exactly what I was after, thank you!

    The only problem is I now want to have the exhaust powder coated because of the photo on their website. Doh!

    Thanks again :upyeah:
  3. I have this one on my bike. Although it doesn't have any heat prove material on the inside its been on the bike for nearly three years now and doesn't show any sign of heat damage. The fit is perfect and the quality is spot on.

  4. C, they only have the twill in stock and are waiting for a stock delivery of the plain, the proprietor said it will be 4 weeks before they have a new batch of plain in stock (they are local to me)
  5. That's one of the companies I contacted. Good to know they're also a decent product. Thanks Mongoose
  6. As soon as I saw the link you provided I contacted them to arrange a purchase. Hopefully I'll hear back tomorrow and get the ball rolling.

    I'm happy to wait for the right product. I'm already waiting 8 weeks for a carbon seat cowl I'm after! :grinning:

    Good things come to those that wait, right?

    Thanks again
  7. :eek:penmouth: £50.00 Jeez.
  8. Thankfully that's not the price! It's £34.99. Come back a layer :grinning:
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  9. That's more like it. :)
  10. It shocked me at first as well! :grinning:
  11. Got my exhaust cermakromed, by Camcoat. Best thing I have ever done.
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  12. I've just been looking at their website. Looks awesome! Thanks for the information. Which option did you choose for your exhaust pipe? Cam 1, 2, 3 or 4?

    I'm thinking of getting the pipes and the muffler done. Those I can at least take off and reassemble myself, the engine casing though is not something I could do alone. :confounded:
  13. Thread moved
  14. No need to get the can done, it doesn't discolour and will polish up to a mirror finish if you want
  15. Hey Old rider, I was thinking more along the lines of getting them done in satin black. On reflection though, I might leave the muffler as is, to avoid it being a bit samey because when pennies permit, I'd like to get the engine done in gloss black. I'm not a fan of the grey.
  16. Gloss black engine - wow... :/

    The grey will also polish up quite nicely
  17. I got Cam 4 done. Make sure its Cermakrome! Looks amazing and only took the pipe off which splits halfway down the bike, like you say, the bit you see. It runs so much better by keeping exhaust heat in rather than dissipate through the pipes. As Old Rider says, the end can comes up lovely with a polish. The Cermakrome matches the end can colour. Well worth it. You can just see it shining through in the picture. 749r recent 2.jpg
  18. Bike's looking lovely Chris :)
    I find the pipe with the carbon protector on it doesn't discolour too much, it's just the inner one that gets gold pretty quickly.
    I think that might be the only one I'd bother with, unless the two looked horribly mismatched.
  19. As you say the outer doesn't get to dis-coloured. But I guarantee once you have the inner done, you will be kicking yourself, as it will make the outer look like its poor relation!
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