1200 Side Stand Switch Problem

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Majvs, Apr 10, 2016.

  1. Went to set off on a ride yesterday but when I put it into 1st the engine stopped. Side stand was up so back into neutral, restart and selected 1st. No problems so thought nothing of it..
    Ten minutes later I'm just winding her up in the lower gears on the motorway when she died, nothing. All the electrics working but no engine. Luckily I managed to coast across three lanes without being killed but boy, did that scare the bejeesuz out of me!!
    Anyway, she started fine but every time I tried to put it into 1st she stopped.. After giving the side stand a good kicking I managed to get it into gear and off I went to the dealers. Opinion is that it's a defective side stand switch.
    It's booked in for a service week after next but starting is definitely getting worse, taking half a dozen attempts to get it into gear before I can get going.
    I'm afraid it's going to give up altogether before getting to the workshop so the question is, 'Is there a temporary solution to be had, say by disconnecting the switch?'
  2. If it's like some of the other bikes you can just short the connector across with a bent paper clip.
    Will it start in gear holding the clutch in?
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Locate the connector and apply a short.
    A paper clip with the appropriate amount of spring to keep it against the contacts and then tape it all up.
    Given the angle of the side stand you'd probably notice it down in the first few bends....as long as you didn't throw it in you'd probably survive....

    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. Cheers guys. I'll get in the garage and have a look at the fix. Cheers!
  5. Took the switch off and sprayed it with WD40 and ACF 50. Pulled the connector apart and did the same. Tried starting in gear with clutch in but it won't have it. However, having put it all back together again it now seems fine. However, I've packed a paper clip in the tool kit just in case. Thanks for your input.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  6. I may have spare switch if it continues.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. Thanks. I'll see what the dealer says and get back to you via pm if I need to take you up on it.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. So the dealer has checked the side stand switch and found no problems. The good dosing of lube must have cured what was probably a sticking switch (they say). It's been no problem since so hopefully that's that...... for now!
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