1200 DVT Dvt's Airbox...!?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Ducmulti1200, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. Owner of a DVT with full Thermi and mapping...
    I noticed that it was running a bit rich , so i started looking after the airbox and maybe order a better filter....
    I noticed that there's no direct airflow (ram air) anymore ? And all the air has to come from under the fueltank !? Very hot air also !?
    The bike is much snappier when it's cold !
    I'm now in contact with MWR air filters and they are working on one...
    I think the dvt's got a lot of potential, but due to fuel norm's.... [​IMG]
    Anyone got any experience so far..??
  2. I'm also trying to find a high flow filter for the DVT + Full Termi....

    Just filled in this K&N product request form if anyone else is interested.

    Request a K&N Product for Your Vehicle
  3. Id avoid the K&N filters if i were you, at least on the basis their previous Multistrada offerings were worse than , or the same as stock.

    Try DNA or MWR is my recommendation.
  4. Thanks...i'll have a look at those.
  5. I've found MWR to all ways be good
  6. When you guys say MWR, could someone provide a link. I just wanted a gander at what they produce but cannot find a link by that name it seems.
  7. I'm waiting for the MWR, it's available now
    Then i mount my quickshifter and a 14t pignion .... .!!
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. It seems that the air filter on the 2014 could be changed without removing the tank by going through a side duct opening. The DVT air filter is a bit different in as much as it is flat. Has anyone changed one and if so, does the tank have to come off?

    Many thanks in advance!

  9. According to the DVT workshop manual, the air filter is a large, flat, square object which sits horizontally at the top of the airbox. The petrol tank has to be removed first, then the airbox lid (4 screws), then the filter itself. It is pretty obvious there is no chance of accessing the filter without taking off the tank. If the filter change is done at the same time as the desmo service, that would make sense. Otherwise, PITA.
  10. Thanks for the quick reply Pete. I really do appreciate it.

    I had a little (lot!) of help but did get her done this afternoon.

    I have the Termi full system as well as the associated map. From the soot on the end of the pipe, black, the bike seems to be running pretty rich and pops a lot on over-run. I put the new K&N in hoping that it might help although I suspect it's wishful thinking.

    Thanks again for the quick reply!!!

  11. My Termi has a dirty end as well. It's taken a while to accumulate so I don't think its massively rich. I'm more worried about the corner of my number plate melting - I've put some silver tape on it.

    Let is know how you get on.
  12. Tober's,

    I just ordered a new plate two days ago for that very reason. That is a great idea! I believe I have some silver tape in the tool box!


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  13. Could that be why sometimes I notice my bike being a lot more snatchy on the throttle, even in touring mode? I have a standard air filter, sometimes for no reason at all it just seems snatcher. Have also noticed sometimes after starting it, it idles at a higher rpm for no apparent reason. Wonder if they're connected?
  14. I'm headed to Le Mans then off down to Spain next week. If I notice a substantial difference I'll drop a note. For what it's worth, she's still popping pretty well on the over-run and I didn't really expect a big difference.

    On an aside, and likely reported elsewhere in the forums, I understand that the MS ECU is a mare to fiddle with. Apparently Bazzaz hasn't come up with anything for the 15/16 year model just yet. (?)
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