the other day I gave the old right had a bit of hard cranking whilst holding the clutch in a bit because I stupidly wanted to go right at a traffic light when there was oncoming traffic. As I went to the right the front wheel lifted and I can honestly say I did not have control of the bike. The wheelie control took over without any fuss It had the front down and I was able to carry on no problem. Felt quite good as it made my poor riding look good. 1 up for wheelie control !
I know what you're talking about mate, got my a55 saved last year by the teaction control, was leaning at speed on a curvy road with trees on bith side, very fast correction from the DVT!
Was always against these rider aids till a van stopped in front of me for no reason and his brake lights did not work, ABS saved my skin, so now I'm all for them
In the early days of ABS I was loaned a CBF500 with it on. Car in front braked quite suddenly, I grabbed the brakes and sweet F.A. happened. Luckily there was a gap to the left which I used as my exit. Stopped about 1m 'into' (alongside) his car. Thankfully it's come a long way since then.
I'd have liked it on my lessons, grabbed a bit too much front brake on the emergency stop practice! Locked up released and reapplied but by which time I'd run out of car park! Slid the ER6 into the grassy run off and landed in the biggest pile of grass cuttings, grass everywhere!
Until very recently I used to have a 40 mile round-trip commute every day in all weathers into central London. The last 4 bikes I've owned have had ABS, of which the most recent 3 bikes have also had traction control. Having had both of those features save my bacon on more than one occasion I couldn't consider a bike without either, and the additional rider aids of the Multistrada made it an obvious choice of bike.
A Nokia phone and wallet once saved my ass, no lie... I wore two holes, one in each pocket of my Levis. The phone still worked too. The bike ripped a fork leg from the top yoke, snapped the frame at the bottom... I rode home stuck in third gear in a reasonable amount of pain. That had something to do with not having an anti wheelie sensor on a two stroke and having a brain smaller than my nuts at that time. My mates found it quite amusing, sending me to the shop to get pain killers when they knew it was shut and asking me to make the tea... 2 days later I found out I had a fractured wrist and heel bone, several weeks off work. I returned (not to light duties) and left my job after finding another, my new boss wrote into my new contact, sick pay covers motorcycle accidents. I think he only took me on to annoy the competition.