Engine Warning Light At Launch - 999

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Cream_Revenge, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. Hey

    Had it a few times now, engine warning light (yellow one) comes on for a couple of seconds. Only happens when pulling away from lights/T junction, only staying on for 2 or 3 seconds. Bikes running perfect (touch wood). Happened twice today in 80mls.

    Any ideas?

  2. Take the bulb out?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Thanks/useful.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Disconnect and reconnect battery might reset something. Also check earths. Sorted mine out a couple of years back. Also check neutral switch connect at back of gearbox(i think).
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Is there a way to see what caused it to come up? Does it store anywhere?
  6. I've heard it said that this is the crank position sensor playing up. The engine management thinks that the bile is moving as it is in gear but the speedo sensor says it isn't (as the clutch is pulled in at the time). This causes confusion in the 999's brain so you get a warning light.

    Hold down the left button on the dash ( I think, otherwise it's the right-hand one) and turn on the ignition. A fault code will appear after a few seconds on the dash which will tell you what the engine management thinks the problem is. Post up the fault code here and one of the brighter 999 owners will convert it for you.

    If I find my list of codes, I'll be able to do it. But I'm not bright :)
  7. Oooh. Here -

    749/999 Error Codes

    1.1 TPS Disconnected
    1.2 TPS short circuit to earth
    2.1 Pressure Sensor short circuit to power supply
    2.2 Pressure Sensor shorted to earth
    3.1 Water Temp Sensor shorted to power supply
    3.2 Water Temp Sensor shorted to earth
    4.1 Air Temp Sensor shorted to power supply
    4.2 Air Temp Sensor Shorted to earth
    5.1 Battery Hi
    5.2 Battery Lo

    10.1 Hor. Coil shorted to power supply
    10.2 Hor. Coil shorted to earth
    11.1 Ver. Coil shorted to power supply
    11.2 Ver. Coil shorted to earth
    12.1 Inj1 shorted to power supply
    12.2 Inj1 shorted to earth
    13.1 Inj2 shorted to power supply
    13.2 Inj2 shorted to earth
    14.1 Inj3 shorted to to power supply
    14.2 Inj3 shorted to earth
    15.1 Inj4 shorted to powersupply
    15.2 Inj4 shorted to earth
    16.0 Pump Relay
    17.1 LH Fan shorted to poer supply
    17.2 LH Fan shorted to earth
    18.1 RH Fan shorted to power supply
    18.2 RH Fan shorted to earth
    19.1 Starter Solenoid shorted to power supply
    19.2 Starter Solenoid shorted to earth

    30.0 ROM/Eprom error
    34.0 Signal Panel Sensor
    36.0 Speed sensor
    37.0 Immobiliser (transponder)
    37.1 Immobiliser (antenna)
    37.2 Immoiliser (instrument panel serial driver)
    37.3 Immobiliser (serial cable disconnected)
    37.4 Immobiliser (ccm serial drive)
    37.5 Immobiliser (key not recognised)
    37.6 Immobiliser (ccm program)
    38.0 Can Line error
  8. You can only bring up fault codes using the dash button if the EOBD light is on constantly. You need to connect the bike to diagnostic software to read any stored fault codes.
    • Like Like x 2
  9. Same software and connectors as resetting the service light?
  10. JpDiag, Guzzidiag, TuneECU, ScanM5X will all read the stored codes
    • Like Like x 1
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Right, ordered those 2. I take it that it plugs in near the head stock on a 999?

    What does the red and black crocodile clip connect too?
  12. On the 999 the diagnostic is on the left side of the battery box. It's a 3 way Superseal connector with 2 wires into it. It should have a plastic cap over it.

    Red croc to +ve battery. Black croc to a good Earth on engine or frame. Never connect it to the battery and you will avoid damaging the ECU.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. My 2003 model 999 always done that, it didn't bother me as the light cleared as soon as the bike started to move again. Never found out what it was.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Ah, so it's a feature!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Ok, so it's plugged in, OBDII scanner, next to battery. I can now see a com 6 & 7 in Windows (win7). Both show as Bluetooth.

    JPDiag does not respond when I connect on either port on fast or slow. Bike ignition is on.

    Any differing ideas?
  16. Which of these do I choose?
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