1200 Whole Bike Vibrating Badly... Any Ideas ?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by knightrider, May 16, 2016.

  1. Just back from the Northwest 200, trip was great but today on the way back the bike didn't seem to be running as smoothly as normal. I've had the bike nearly 5yrs and done about 20k miles so I pretty much know what is normal and this definitely wasn't although I had just had some new tryes fitted, Metzler M7r and never had anything but michelins so at first thought it could have been the new tread pattern or something but as it seemed to get slightly worse as I rode home and when I rode over a very new, smooth road and killed the engine the vibrating went, did this a couple of times to confirm and I'm sure its not the new tyres. Bike still pulled ok although didnt give it the beans just incase. Bike is out of warranty so will be using a local guy but probably not had a lot to do with MTS so if anybody could give me any info to maybe pass on that would be great

    2010 s touring all services done at right mileage and not had any issues engine related

    cheers for any help

  2. Long shot....but were the wheels correctly balanced when the new tyres were fitted?
  3. Personally I would go to an authorised Ducati service centre even if it's out of warrantee. The fact that the noise went when you killed the engine helps confirm it's not the tires and if they weren't balanced you would feel it.

    How are the chain and sprockets? make sure the chain hasn't got a dodgy or stretched link and that you cannot pull the chain from the rear sprocket by more than a mm or 2.

    Good luck!
  4. Both wheels were balanced, yes
    • Does it change with throttle load? Check swinging arm bearings, I nearly stripped a motor due to this! Ducati Coventry didn't spot it either , felt like motor was going for to grenade itself like main bearings.
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  5. will check chain and sprockets tomorrow and yes think I will use dealer as they should be more knowledgeable, cheers
  6. Needle Bearing were bone dry at 25k, replacement fixed the problem.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Get them to check the TPS to ensure that the throttle bodies are in sync - makes a big difference.
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  8. yes it did seem too, even at very low revs it was noticeable worse when accelerating, thanks
  9. don't know what they are but really appreciate your input, just the kind of info I was after even to suggest to dealer to check, Thanks
  10. will do, cheers
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