Hi all, new to the forum and Ducati as just picked up my 899 a week ago. My bike has failed to start 4 out of 5 times once warmed up, and have had to taxi home then get my work van to rescue it, fair to say it's taken the jam right out of my donut!.. Love the bike but am now nervous about stopping as have no confidence in it starting again, bike is a 2015 with 1250 miles on it. Any advice would be welcomed..
Symptoms? Starting technique?? As much info as you can give will help everybody on here identify the problem
Normal starting technique, no throttle applied, just turns over and over, managed to get it started last night by changing mode to wet, that may just have been luck, was hoping there might be an inherent problem with an easy fix. Cold start is fine, turns right over..
Not too sure what else to say, bike starts fine from cold, as last night rode 2 miles to nervously get petrol, tried starting it normally with no throttle but bike just keeps cranking over, after a while it started luckily, then went for my ride, it happens mostly when the bike has been left for a few minutes, if I turn it off it'll start straight back up. It has termis on if that may be a factor.
Wow, not touching the throttle is usually right. There was someone on here who had a hot stating problem just a short while back but I'm damned if I can remember what the fix was. Hopefully someone else will. Presumably, if you were to leave the bike to cool down, at some point it will be cool enough to restart. In the short term, it may be sensible to experiment at home to find out where that point is - better than taxis and having to retrieve the bike. Relays often cause problems. They are electro mechanical and if there is some corrosion in there, they can get sticky and that could be exacerbated by heat. I would be looking for a relay near the exhaust first I think.
Have you got warranty cover still I assume so, Get Ducati assist to collect it and get it to a dealer, let them plug it in and see what is what so far I have not had any issue like this on mine and I am over 5K Even after long rides and its hot its still fine could be a firing sensor that's at fault Get ducati to look at it
Yes, I'd be changing my relays first. They're very cheap and many people change theirs regularly as a matter of course, so even if it fails to solve your problem, it's still a good thing to swap for new.
Thanks for all the advice, charcoal filters seem to only be on us bikes so no joy there.. I have it booked in for a diagnostic on Saturday now, it's nice to know that good friendly advice is minutes away. Thanks..
Thanks for the interest, my bike is now with Ducati, awaiting a code to update the ecu, which may or may not fix the hot starting issue. not the easy fix I was hoping for. Was hoping it was an o2 sensor. If the update doesn't solve it then it'll need a new ecu, thankfully it's still in warranty, not the start to Ducati ownership I was hoping for..will post again when I hear back.
It's in good hands I'm sure. Mine has been absolutely perfect even when roasting hot and has termi's. My thoughts were that it's not getting fuel or that perhaps the auto decompressor isn't functioning correctly (which would be quite serious). Does it crank over quite quickly?