1200 Pikes Peak Water Pump Noise

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by clarkey231, May 26, 2016.

  1. Hi all,

    I've been on a tour through the uk this week. Did Wales, Lake District and a lot of Scotland since Monday. Sod Europe, we have some awesome roads in this country too!

    Anyway my bike has been making a rattle or vibey noise from the left side of the engine. Only seems to be at idle and if you put your hand on the water pump you can feel it there. Is it likely to just be a bearing or the complete water pump?


  2. Have a search for water pump rumble, it could be worse.
  3. Clarkey,
    I have a 2014 pikes peak with a full termi system and Moto Rapido map. At a little over 6000 miles mine also developed a bearing rumble type noise in the left hand side of the engine. I took the bike to Ducati Coventry as they are more local to me than Moto Rapido and when they ran it up they confirmed something was not right. As they were extremely busy I joined the queue and they had the bike for around 5 weeks.
    After stripping the bike everything seemed fine but they decided to change all of the case bearings including the main bearing. This cured the noise. I got the bike back just in time for a trip to Scotland and I've now done 2000 miles and all is good. Rick at Ducati Coventry was superb although it wasn't ideal being without my bike for so long. If I were you I would get it checked out pronto otherwise if it is something that needs sorting you could do more damage. Luckily mine was under warranty.
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  4. Hi Speedmouse,
    Thanks for your reply. I did the trip and all was fine, noise still there though but did not get worse.

    Yesterday I went to Riders in Bridgewater and they advised I did not ride it home so it was train for me and I'm awaiting their findings. Mines under warranty too until August so fingers crossed all will be fine. I have lost a bit of confidence in the bike though so will probably change it when the warranty expires.
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