fitted my panniers to my bike for my trip , just come to take them off and they are stuck solid , anyone else had this issue or any fix for taking them off... Feels like I'm going to break them off before they release Thx in advance
There is a bit of a knack to putting the DVT panniers on and off. It is indeed possible to snap the lugs off the pannier if you wrench too hard in the wrong direction. Be careful, and make sure you are moving the whole pannier in the right direction only.
be sure the handles are fully vertical. Use a fist or palm to bump them rearward. Do not twist or mis-align when the rear lug is free and the front lug is still in the hole, it will snap off
Silly idea but try putting some WD40 into the lugs/holes overnight to help free it. I put a little white grease in occasionally to keep them free. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I found a Belgian car driver who kindly removed my right pannier for me - while it and I were still on the bike If anyone wants the pannier I can give GPS coordinates of where I left it at the side of the road However, it does have broken lugs and is in bits as it was taken apart to retrieve the lock barrel.
I had a fight with mine when I thought I'd just try them for the first time. Even when I picked the bike up and the sales guy tried to show me how to fit and remove them he got them stuck and called the mechanic out to remove them, I did have to laugh at that point. I found that putting a little upward pressure on them helped a lot. To be honest the fitment is not brilliant but they won't get much use so I'm not over bothered.
As an alternative to ordinary grease, I use Red Rubber Grease which is the stuff the workshop uses on 'O' rings. It adheres where you put it and doesn't migrate into all those hard to get to places when you are cleaning the bike. Andy
On a more serious note, I think a bit of lubrication on the rubber bottom 'mount' helps the pannier slide more easily.
Good point. Ordinary grease or oil (or WMD40) is great for metal parts, not so good for plastic parts. A simple, cheap, effective option for lubricating plastic and rubber parts is Fairy Liquid. OK, it washes off but easy enough to put more on.
Silicone spray from Maplins works well on the forward rubber mount on my Turismo Veloce. Similar to the Multistrada in that respect. Re apply every now and then. First time I took them off it was quite a struggle on one side, no problem since I've used the spray.
Silicone spray is what my dealer recommended after I snapped a lug off. Panniers were really tight. Fixed under warranty and now slide on and off no probs after silicone spray
search for silicon aerosol lubricant. Loads of different manufacturers, just buy what is sold local to you.
Just been getting my DVT MTS ready for a coming euro trip leaving this friday. Cleaning and fettling and thought I may as well pop the panniers on (OEM). Hey Preston Ive just snapped the rear mounting lug off on the exhaust side pannier. Doh!!! Can you actually buy replacement lugs from the dealers? and is it an easy fix? Seems like a common problem this one.
I got mine replaced on warranty. One of the lugs can be changed easy enough but the other is a casing change I think
Dealer will replace the broken lug under warranty. I had mine replaced last week with the new "reinforced" rear lug. Just ask.