'new' Top Gear - The Verdict

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bigredduke, May 29, 2016.

  1. Oh....nerve.... You've hit a nerve!! My fcking broadband speed is driving me to distraction, only positive is I'm with plusnet and I can speak to someone in the uk, they're pretty responsive too, have a BT engineer coming for 2 NGD time next week!! My speeds all over the place and it drops out constantly! On the TV situation, I purchased the Amazon Fire TV thingy and that seams to use some sort of pre buffering so even though the speed is shite we can watch films without disruption
  2. Dont get me started in broardband, we were with BT and constantly lost connection, dropped from the 'guaranteed' 8 meg to below 3 at weekends and the BT customer centre in Mumbai or wherever it is was utterly bloody useless.
    Installed Sky Q last month and the installer suggested SKy BB, spoke to them in their UK call centre and they told me I'd get a minimum of 17.3 mps. How can I get almost 3 times as fast broardband through what is effectively the same wire BT give me their maximum of 8?
    Well switched and now get a constant 20 mps. Go figure.
  3. You know there are EU grants available to bring Rural Broadband up to acceptable levels :p:D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. After Brexit, will it still be possible for me to donate money for broadband for people living in the rural areas I cannot afford to move to, but would love live in given the opportunity?
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. That'll between your device and the router.... A better speed check would be to disable the wireless, plug in a Lan cable and run it again...

    Think of it as physical pipes..... Plug in a Lan cable and that'll be like pouring a pint of lager down a gas main.... Between your router and the outside world should be like a hose pipe.... An old modem is like a drinking straw... The internal Lan cable will always exceed the external assuming you have a gigabit router (half decent)....

    Just to add and this will probably get a bit more technical but lots of routers use the same family of chipsets....if youve got an old router (mines an old Dlink DIR-825) i think you can get them on ebay now for 20 quid, you can reflash the firmware with aftermarket software and with a (from memory) 20 unlock key from the team that make the firmware you can unlock all the higher stuff...ie my 8 year old router happily goes through 4 floors and the basement external wall which is 2ft thick. It runs in excess of 10 or so wireless devices at the same time with no lag that i can see. It does this by unlocking the higher frequencies in the wireless range that all the other routers around me cant get to (flying above the clouds) as it were. You can run a vpn tunnel on it (so you can effectively connect externally and browse all the local hardware in your house) i can stream my sat receivers spare tuner to my machine at work for example....

    Anyway if you want to experiment on something cheap....and you can find an old 825 go here...
    D-Link DIR-825 - DD-WRT Wiki

    Heres how to do it....

    And then you can piss about to your hearts content....

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
    #185 comfysofa, Jun 9, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
    • Useful Useful x 1
  6. thank fk someone has finally explained that,,,,,how would i know tho if i have a wan,,,,, sorry Lan ?
  7. Lan = local area network
    In layman's terms it's all the stuff inside your house. Wan is wide area network. All the stuff outside your house. 2 ways to connect to your router- wireless (wifi) or cable.
  8. Gonna probably get corrected here but a WAN (Wide area network) is anything beyond your router....ie in this case the internet. A LAN (Local area network) is essentially your internal network (wired and wireless) For the record ill always say to anyone in their own house an internal hardwired network beats anything hands down....as soon as you hit wireless with one device youll get the full speed of the router but as soon as you add a second device wirelessly its cut in half and then again and again as you add devices, unless you pay for a router (ie cisco) which will to a certain extent guarantee wireless bandwidth but at a cost of roughly 500 quid for a router (you get what you pays for)...
  9. Love your lager & gas pipe analogy Comfy. Brilliant.
  10. Your welcome....i thought a lager related angle might make people understand...
    • Like Like x 1
  11. The 1st episode made me cringe and I have only just bothered to watch the 2nd one.

    Verdict: I thought the 2nd episode was a massive improvement and enjoyed it. Jenson was brilliant, Matt is excellent and even CE has calmed down. The SUV test in SA was rather good too with an extraordinary road to be on.

    Hope the 3rd carries on the upward trend and I'll be watching!
  12. Watching tonight's episode now and it's getting better, I almost said enjoyed it. Dump Mat Le whoever and it would be even better.
  13. Just watching it not impressed.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. I thought it was excellent, the dynamic of having two Stars in a Rallycross car worked well, the car reviews were well presented and the general cocking about was top class.
  15. Better than fifth gear still......
  16. The list of things better than fifth gear is long and distinguished
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. It was better tonight. Evans taking a back seat and LeBlanc doing most of the presenting helped.
  18. The huge false laughs where the audience was left dumbfounded near the end was quite comical :)
  19. I'm sorry, you're entirely correct. I've had better bowel movements...(some of those were long and distinguished too).....
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