939 SP Sluggish Starting

Discussion in 'Hypermotard' started by Daddy2coull, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. Mine is worse when the engine is cold and it's a hot day.
  2. Has your's been like it from day one ,maybe you have a real tight engine ,have you started to give the bike much stick yet ?.. A few posts ago you'd done 3oo + miles so have you had it bouncing off the red line yet :)
  3. i'm at 521 miles now and the bike is in bits on the drive in the process of fitting a full termi race system. i have been riding with some spirit lol. had the bike on the paddock stands today and notice the oil is well over the maximum mark!! yes it's been like it from the start, but it's not constant which is annoying.

    couple of other things i've noticed

    it's an absolute bitch to find neutral when the engine is cold

    false neutral between 5/6
  4. Try lowering the gear change lever so you don't have to lift your toe up so much to go up the gears .When i sit on a bike in a neutral position i always adjust the gear lever so it's just resting on my boot .Have a play around ,it makes a big difference .
    I picked my Termi up on Wednesday and pick the bike up on Saturday .Woohoo 6 sleeps left :)
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  5. Is it s full system? Somebody on here said a dealer took a whole day to fit it. I can't see it myself. I've got the tank off and the system stripped in an hour and fifteen. I doubt I'll get it finished tonight though as I'm watching the F1
  6. Does it clang into gear when cold , is clutch adjustment ok ...not to much slack in cable ?
    The high oil level may cause more drag on the basket , the oil creates a lot of friction between the plates when the clutch is disengaged .
    You say the slow turn over starting issue is intermittent , as a test you could try a substitute jump lead , try one from the battery neg to engine , and you could try one from batt positive to the starter solenoid and one from solenoid to starter motor , this is ruling out battery cables see if there's any improvement in crank over speed .
    Don't rule out the battery just because it's new ,try jumping from another battery , if still no improvement could be bad armature on starter or some kind of starer issue
    #26 mechcanico lee, Jun 12, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2016
  7. Yes the full system.
    Yeah i read the same but I would imagine they're being super careful not to mark anything .
    I built mine up and I've been drooling over it the last few days .I've ordered some m5 dome nuts too for one of the heat shields but you'll probably not see them once it's on the bike .
  8. Just try it with both wheels on the ground and hold the bike upright and check the oil level again ,it may be different .
  9. still has 1/4 inch of air in te top of the window
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  10. Mine was a bitch to get into Neutral from new and once i hit about 1,000 miles - it was then really easy and now like butter. Mine also starts badly but re-map on Tuesday so hopefully that will fix a few issues
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