1200 DVT Barkbusters Fitted To My Dvt

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by vikram, Jul 9, 2016.

  1. Hi
    After much research and searching the web, I ordered the bark busters with the indicators.
    and with help from a friend have succeeded in fitting barkbusters to my 1200s
    So much better now than the OE
    Some better pics soon! IMG_20160709_174218_HDR.jpg
    • Like Like x 3
  2. WOW, that looks great, time for some extra pics :)
  3. Where from, how much, easy or hard to fit.
    Answers please :)
    p.s. Look good by the way :upyeah:
  4. HI!
    thanks,some more pics, pardon the dirty bike just got back from a very wet and muddy ride
    IMG_20160710_133449.jpg IMG_20160710_133503.jpg IMG_20160710_133520.jpg IMG_20160710_133556.jpg
  5. HI Broke,

    i got it from a store in India, but available online here
    VPS - Barkbusters

    there isn't one for the multi 2015, so the universal hardware kit needs to be modified a little.

    1. the aluminium crash bar needs to be shortened towards the inside or it fouls the bike visor.
    2. the bar clamp connecting rod needs to be lengthened so that the crash bar clears the brake and clutch lever assembly
    3. two mounts for the clutch and brake oil reservoir need to be made
    4. The crash bar fits stock to the bar end

    I've put the VPS motocross handguard and the optional extra LED indicators
    all of which cost me about 200 Pounds.

    all of the original plastic had guards need to come off along with the indicators, the indicators unplug from the wiring harness, I got the connectors from the original indicators spliced to the Barkbuster indicator wires, these need to be extended by a few inches as well in order to reach.

    Ian quite happy with the result and finally have some real protection for hands and levels in the event of a drop.

    hope this helps, let me know if anything in not clear
  6. Thank you vikram :upyeah:
  7. Hi

    There are two part numbers for the universal kit. May I ask which one you bought?
  8. hi,
    not sure of the part no as i didn't use the part no to order
    but it is the straight 22mm so the BHG 151
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