600ss Rebuild

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Simonknowles, Jul 17, 2016.

  1. Hi guys,

    I've been rebuilding a 600ss and a couple of questions if I may

    Please bare in mind I didn't strip the bike brought it as a project

    What are these pair of triangle modules and where do they fit? image.jpeg

    What is this bar and where does it go?
    Fuel pipes I have 2 pipes coming from the bottom of the carbs 1 splits of on a y adaptor and the other is a single pipe am I right in thinking the split one goes to delivery and back flow? And the single goes to drainage?

    There is also 2 thicker pipes come from top of carbs do these just vent to air or are they connected to some other pipes?

    And lastly I think :)
    Which coil feeds which pot? Also cables from pickups which ones go to which coils?

    Thank you in advance

  2. They attach to the LH side of the frame near to the carbs. The thick hoses from the carbs go into one, the breather hoses into the other.

    It is a stand off for the fairing side panels. I'm not sure of the exact placement because I've never owned a half faired model.

    The delivery pipe goes to the Y adaptor, the other side of the Y adaptor is connected to the tank return and the Y outlet goes to the carbs.

    See 1 above

    As I recall the LH coil is to the vert and the RH the horiz.
    This is the horizontal pick up wiring

    and this is the vertical

  3. Thanks for the info much appreciated.

    What would attach to the drainage port on the tank?

  4. Nothing. It should be blanked off inside tge spigot
  5. Ok thanks what about the second pipe coming from the carb not the one withe y piece it comes from just above the main feed
  6. This shows the carburettor pipe arrangements, except for the fuel delivery.
    Screen Shot 2016-07-18 at 09.38.05.png
    The big hoses go into one triangular box which has holes to match. The vent hose goes into the other one and the overflows rune to the underside of the bike.

    This is the fuel tank arrangement
    Screen Shot 2016-07-18 at 09.43.50.png
    As well as the 2 pipes connected to the Y adaptor there is also a drain hose(25) from the other pipe. This is connected to the the drain in the filler cap by an internal hose (43) inside the tank.
  7. Thanks for the info Derek much appreciated :)

    Am I right in thinking the thin pipe from the triangle bits goes to the carb?
    That's the only pipe I'm not sure about now :)

    Many thanks
  8. Yes it does. Each carb has a metal tube coming out of the side with a 90 degree bend. The rubber tube fits on there. It is the breather for the carbs. There is a small plastic device which sits half way along the rubber tube, looks a bit like a fuel filter. Its there to prevent the fumes igniting.
  9. Sorry I meant the other end of the triangles I've got the bit where the 2 go in and on the other side 1 comes out does that one go back to the carb or just sits under the bike as a breather?

    The reason I ask is I have a pipe coming from the bottom of the carbs just above and to the rear of the main feed pipe

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