
Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Mushio, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. Yo Guys.
    Anyone took there bikes to America from the UK.
    I have 2 Panigales and a rare Suzuki that I want to take over there, if and when I go.
    Don't really want to sell them, and not bothered about the transport cost.
    These are my bikes that I want to keep and use.
    I seem to keep getting conflicting advice on this.
    Anyone actually done this ?
  2. Ask on one of the American forums, e.g. ducati1299.com
  3. Ducati UK and Suzuki GB (maybe they're both UK, GB just sounded better for Suzuki) may be able to advise whether the models you want to take are compliant with the state laws of the state you're heading for, and if not, how they might be made to comply
  4. Hi. I have spoke to Ducati and Suzuki today, and they have been quite helpful.
    Only difference between the two are the prices for the documents.
    Ducati £45
    Suzuki £95
    Nice one Suzuki !!
  5. Doesn't it vary depending on which State you are going to as well Mushio? for instance in Cali you have to have the fuel carbon canister thing which causes a bunch of random running problems so people always remove it.
  6. Yo.
    The last thing I want is to happen is to the bikes to be held in customs. The bikes as I can gather have to be in original spec. No alterations. !! As per spec.. But I have looked at what I can sell them for here , to what I can buy over there.
    So, I have a 1 year old 1299 only 2000 miles on the clock. value approx. £1400 I then spend £1000 transport . Import duty 2.5% . And the uncertainty of it getting past customs. If it don't get through, then it get sent home or held in limbo.
    How much will that cost me to sort that out. At the worst me travelling back to the yUK to re-home it !
    Then I can buy a new one over there for $19000 equal to £15000 with no hassel.
    No brainer there !!
    Then I have the 1199. Value 10K ish selling it cheap ?
    Again , a no brainer.
    They are fetching $10K over there, so again easy to buy another, even at the present pound/dollar exchange rate !
    My only concern is my B-King . One of only 40 !!
    Now this is the bike I really want to keep.
    Need to get some original rocket launcher exhausts, as I binned mine. They are so shyte looking !!
    And put the rear end back to standard.
    The Euro bikes are as I have been told a slightly higher spec than the US ones. Well, with the emissions.
    So, I need again to speak to the transport guys, who do this all the time.
    I don't want a 50/50 chance of my bikes, getting held.
    Doin me swede in at the mo..
  7. Yeah, you always lose a few thousand selling fairly new bikes but I guess in the grand scheme of things when you take transport and stuff into account it probably would even out and easier to buy over there.

    Let me settle this for you, I'll give you £1500 for it :)
  8. Ooops !! Typo error !!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Yip, I'll give you £1500 - more than you are asking for :Wideyed:
  10. Yo. Spoke to 'The Bike Specialists' in Sheffield , who ship bikes all over the world. Got the answer I didn't want to hear. 'No Chance' !! Don't even bother wasting any more time thinking you can get round it !
    So that's that sorted !!
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