Diavel Acf-50 And Protection

Discussion in 'Diavel & XDiavel' started by phil hare, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. Hi,
    Just purchased a mint 2011 Diavel and I would like to keep it mint
    I've seen a few adverts /articles on ACF-50 and was wondering if anyone had this treatment done on their Ducati.
    If so was it worth it, and nasty residue or completely worth the 60 odd quid outlay?
  2. Gave my scrambler a good going over out of a spray can, wiped off the excess residue..... Worked wonders!
  3. It's something you buy a can and squirt it on... also GT85 and WD-40 do a similar job of displacing water, ACF-50 is just that bit more potent and is formulated to resist corrosion. Go for it!
  4. I think I'll give it a try. Thanks for the info
  5. Just keep it off all the braking surfaces and, if you can, apply it with an atomiser. It's supposed to be applied in as thin a film as possible to work correctly.
  6. Brake discs are raw metal, and *really* prone to rusting. I always make sure to ACF and WD my rotors.
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  7. got a large bottle and spray applicator for £30 off ebay a few weeks ago. yet to apply, but lots on here rave over it for full winter coverage.
  8. Grab some from nippynormans, the 0.95liter bottle. You get a small fine spray bottle & use liberally over main metal surfaces frankly.Don't bother with the spray-cans as you cannot control the flow. It's the best stuff & other than that try GT85.

    Nippy Normans No 1 for BMW
  9. yeah I agree ACF50 is good, I also use Scotoil 365 which is cheaper and does a similar job, I keep the ACF for the areas that get really dirty and use 365 on the rest.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Tips if using ACF50 in spray can form:
    heat the can first in hot water, it makes for a finer spray and better coverage.
    I stick mine in a bucket of boiled water and leave it for 15 minutes or so before applying.
    After wiping off any excess put the cloth in a sealed plastic bag, the ACF50 on it won't dry out for months and it can be used for a quick wipe over.
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  11. ACF50 creeps at the molecular level and only needs a layer one molecule thick. It spreads itself and a little goes a very long way.

    Definitely keep it off brake surfaces !

    For general protection I use Scotoil 365.

    ACF50 is one of those spray it on and forget about it treatments for areas that get really dirty whilst maintaining a layer of protection beneath the dirt. It isn't for maintaining a pristine bike which is regularly washed.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Hey man, those'll be your rusty brake rotors, buddy!... :D
  13. I was told Wd40 will contaminate brake pads if sprayed on brake discs ?
  14. It'll bring the shine out of them :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. I've used ACF-50 on all my bikes. Give them a good going over before laying up for the winter and they stay rust free all year. Apply as 'hoonigan' said above.

    WD-40 is OK for cleaning / light duties but it doesn't last long enough for anything else.

    Don't listen to El Toro ... Keep any slippy stuff well away from brakes.
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