Hi guys, Can somebody point me in the right direction please. I've got the bike turning over on the button but no spark 600SS I've checked the coils and pickups with ohm meter all seem OK Which wires at the coil pack should show voltage? Also not sure if this is anything to do with it but the kill switch has no effect on turning the engine over works on all 3 positions a bit strange also same thing with the neutral switch I'm not sure on the starting sequence on this bike but I would think the neutral switch stand switch and maybe clutch lever would be in the sequence to let it turn over Hope somebody can shed some light on this Thanks Simon
Have you had your battery off recently? I had the same issue when I forgot to connect an earth lead after replacing a battery. Also, is you battery itself OK? It may have enough in it to crank the motor, but not enough spare power to power the ignition circuit.
It's a full rebuild I'm running off a external battery at min I have 2 earth straps 1 from engine to frame and 1 from battery to frame
The brown wires to the coils should show +12V with the ignition on and the kill switch to Run. There should be a 2 pin connector at the RH side of the airbox with the +ve and -ve supply to the coils and ignition modules. The kill switch does not prevent the starter from turning, it just cuts the supply to the coils. All the neutral switch does is lights up the neutral switch, it's not linked to the starter circuit. The attached wiring diagram might help.
I now have a spark Thanks for the replies How do you folk torque your heads up ? I obviously didn't tighten them down enough I have oil weeping out when turning the engine over with the starter
Crow's foot wrench on a torque wrench is one way. Just keep on tightening until the threads strip is another ... Are you sure the O ring seals between the head and barrel are all OK? If they aren't, no amount of tightening will cure the problem.
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