
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cream_Revenge, Aug 15, 2016.

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  1. i would stand up and argue that i wasnt in top gear yet!!!
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  2. I do have a good laugh at our politically correct nanny state.

    172 fatal accidents and only one involved speed yet they're acting like this guy is a criminal. Bit of a silly boy though but the justice system in the uk really need sorting out.

    This country is mad about slowing everyone down, but the sad reality is the bad drivers are often the slow ones who pay no attention and dither about.
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  3. My new hero. Although seen far more on the A272 ;)
  4. Threads merged
  5. Personally, I can't see the point of excessive speed on the road.

    130 is plenty
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  6. This is so true. :mad:

    Odd statement this bit...

    “In the last five years (2011-2015) there have been 172 fatal or serious collisions in Cambridgeshire where at least one driver was reported to be exceeding the speed limit or driving too fast for the conditions, resulting in 25 fatalities and 191 people being seriously injured.

    “The faster you drive the less time you have to react. Speed remains one of the biggest factors in fatal collisions.".

    Not in this instance!!
    #11 ResB1299, Aug 16, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Do they not mean that in all of the 172 collisions, at least one driver was exceeding the limit. Some may have been collisions between 2 vehicles whereby they were both exceeding the limit however AT LEAST one driver was in all 172 cases??

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  8. What really spins me out about all this "speed is the route cause of all evil" b*ll*x is the argument that "if you have an accident you could hurt someone" that is used to justify harsh penalties... and yet - when the myopic, braindead, Vauxhall-driving twonk that wrote my car off got prosecuted for "without due care and attention" Devon & Cornwall plod came up with "we don't believe in prosecuting people when education works far better" and sent him on a "driver's awareness" course !
    So - don't hurt anyone = get hammered by the courts...
    But - actually DO hurt someone = have a day looking at videos in a classroom...
  9. I do agree they place too much emphasis on speed. It is a huge money earner for them so I can understand why.

    What really grates on me though is these new 20mph boroughs in London. When I'm finally free of London traffic, I need to make up some time not go at a walking pace. 20mph is taking it too far when realistically we should be looking educating pedestrians on some stop, look and listen again. Bring back the hedgehog!

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  10. Yes, and concentrate on certain areas first. I lost count of the number of people I nearly ran over going through certain hot spots.... Peckham high St springs to mind! The pedestrians were suicidal!
  11. Speed is an easy argument to win for the Police, and I have some sympathy for how difficult it is for them to prove anything else (or justify you could have been speeding if the other person wasn't an idiot). However, hopefully, with the increasing numbers of dash cams etc providing better evidence, some of the idiots will start to be removed from the roads.... We can only hope!
    (Although when 50% or drivers/riders can't even get the basic mirror/signal/manouver we are fighting a loosing battle.... Start giving people points/fines for not indicating and use cameras at junctions to see if that starts changing people's habits...)
  12. Speed is an easy thing to measure. Carelessness and poor quality of driving less so.

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  13. the worst thing about these ever decreasing speed limits is the utter utter fuckwits who ALWAYS drive at least 10mph under the limit so if youre in a 20 zone some old dear will be pootling along at 10-12mph thus causing others to get irritated and do daft things

    there's no common sense whatsoever from the highways agency these days, they honestly need putting out to pasture as they've made an absolute f$cking mess of the roads as things stand, you only have to look at the m25 to see this

    billions spent widening it to four lanes, then as soon as someone breaks down the whole bloody thing grinds to a halt !! utter utter stupidity on a daily basis and its only getting worse (and they're seemingly totally un-answerable too!)
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  14. Drivers doing 40 in a 60 on country lanes is one of my pet hates. If you can't do the speed limit then it suggests you do not feel fully in control of your vehicle. If you are not fully in control then you shouldn't be driving.

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  15. Especially when they cruise into the next town/village with a 30mph limit doing the same 45mph they were doing out on the main road... Blindly cruising along paying no attention to anything around them.
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