1200 DVT "h" Amber Warning Light

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Nigel Machin, Aug 13, 2016.

  1. Had a Amber H flash a couple of times today adjacent to where the side stand warning light illuminates, I have no idea what it was and can't find any reference to it in the manual, any one shed any light on it
  2. If you have the enduro could it be the hill hold light?
  3. 1200S Touring, Flashed up again when i managed to stall it (must remember the clutch) but not seen it since?!
  4. I know this sounds silly this time of year but could it be the"Ice-Low temp" warning?
  5. It is the Hill Start feaature. Apparently all 2017 dvt's have it installed.
  6. Did the OP ever get an answer from the deal what the H was?

    If all dvt's 2015/16/17????? have the hill start feature now, testing it even on flat ground requires a good sharp stamp on the back break (not too hard you lunatic!) too activate it.
  7. Answer as per the post above yours, 2017 model has the hill hold function not models previous
  8. Briliant news & may I ask where you are getting the info on next year bikes?
  9. According to my dealer its only been installed since model year 2017 standard ( non enduro) models.
    Re the back brake, lets hope it works on the front and we all know the back brake is useless.
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