1200 DVT Coming Back To The Fold

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by JimVee, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. Well after 6 months or so off Ducati's and riding a K1600, I've decided to come back to the fold as I just love the vee twin noise. So all you chaps that bought my DVT kit off me, i would like it back please but for half the price i sold it for. :grinning:

    Was thinking of a PP but cant justify the price so its back to the 1200 S. Just waiting to sell on the K16 before buying.
    • Like Like x 6
    • Funny Funny x 4
  2. It's like hotel California.........you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave ;)
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  3. Ha good man !
  4. I love the look of the PP but wanted skyhook suspension, got the termi and looking into a decal kit, best of both worlds
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Welcome back :)
  6. Funny stuff
  7. I googled the K1600, cool bike
  8. You no it makes sense , welcome back would agree s is best who wants to get off the magic carpet to adjust the ride for gods sake !!
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  9. Thanks guys, to be honest this is my 6th MTS 12 (red, red, white, PP, white and the future red) so should have known I would come back although tbh I should never have got rid! Already started buying the bling :grin:

    My K16 isn't that cool, that ones the new Bagger type
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Sorry JimVee the Termi is all MINE HAAAAAAAAAAA. Glad your back.:smiley:
  11. Bu&&er! :kissingsmiling:
  12. Wow, that's quite a switch. I run a K1600GT alongside my Panigale. Love them both but they are chalk & cheese.

    I'm toying with a first Multistrada once I have circumnavigated Oz on a 15-year BMW GS.
  13. I went from a Multi to the K16, would love to keep it but cant justify 2 bikes in the garage tbh. Enjoy ur trip down under.
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  14. Well, just put a deposit down on this.... 2017 ST with Urban Pack, Handsfree fuelcap, PP graphics and PP Carbon Screen....Got the full Termi, Enduro Pack, DP carbon hugger, DP carbon front mudguard, CC carbon air conveyors, DP carbon switch cover, ASV's, DP LED indicators, Navihalter and Garmin 595 sitting in the house waiting to be fitted. Merry Christmas to me ...:grinning:

    Still got the K16 and sure it will go one day but not a problem.

    dvt 1.jpg
    #14 JimVee, Dec 20, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2016
    • Like Like x 6
  15. Can I put in an advanced offer on your new 1200DVT bike when you sell it? :wink:
    • Funny Funny x 3
  16. Enjoy!
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. Lol... got to keep this one, swmbo has put her foot down!
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  18. With a firm hand?
  19. Its a case of survival and I know where I stand:kissing:
  20. Made this mistake selling my last hyper (1100 evo) - although it turned out well as ive got an sp now..!
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