1200 DVT Fuelling Issues With Titanium System

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by theflyingduke, Sep 5, 2016.

  1. I have a 2015 1200s DVT with the full titanium system fitted. During recent a trip abroad, I had issues with there being no power when initially accelerating out of corners when going up mountain passes. I was with a friend on an identical bike, with standard exhaust, and he had no problems at all. My dealer checked all the the sensors etc upon my return and nothing showed up as being faulty. Has anyone else experienced this or similar, and do you have any suggestions. Thanks.
  2. Could it be you were in the wrong mode? Urban is bery slow on the throttle
  3. Shitty fuel, knock it down a further gear...?

    Get another dealer too have two opinions, might require the ECU upmap doing again?!?!?
  4. Hmmm, very difficult to know from that information. If I had to guess id say too rich.

    The exhaust with upmap runs richer anyway (in fact, even without upmap, it'd run rich at lower revs with that exhaust as the gas velocity will be lower), with you in the mountains, with the leaner air... it could possibly be that.

    As I said, very difficult to know and not easy to replicate on a RR without the same atmospheric (mainly pressure) conditions. good luck sorting it.
  5. Don't know if it's helpful but is it worth you giving CJS a ring, he might have an opinion.
  6. No...I know my modes and it was doing it in touring and sports mode.
  7. Its odd because two identical bikes on the same fuel for 2700miles, so logic would point to exhaust and ECU, thats the reason for the question.
  8. CJS ??
  9. Did you notice any yellow lights flash up on the top your dash. Not engine light.
    I had an issue with this exact same symptoms in germany this year.
    I also had a faulty gear indicator sensor issue (fixed on route).
    I think that it maybe the extra power you have. When you throttle on out of the corners (mine normally up hill and showed yellow traction control lights) engine cuts back power and then it returns.
    Only thing I can suggest is try (when you go back) with no traction control and wheelie control on.
  10. CJS Racing in Bristol, could be worth having a chat with, as they seem to know what their talking about as regards fueling on Ducati's, judging by the opinions expressed by members on this forum.
  11. Could be a sticky exhaust valve - assuming you still have one on your titanium system?
  12. The DTC could be a good call. Plus non standard tyre configuration (if you've replaced tyres) could add up to the DTC thinking its spinning too much.

    The graphs I have seen show quite a hike in low rpm torque and power on the system vs std
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