Movember anybody?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by efcbluepete, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. Cheers Char, I knew the overall look I wanted to achieve, but could not quite visualise how it would look. This is perfect!
  2. well with no shave November Black Opps Two and Halo 4 out , I'm predicting pregnancy this month will be at an all time low
  3. Oh yes! Started clean shaven on 1st November and going all guns blazing for a "Lemmy". So far it looks utterly ridiculous, but it's for a good cause. At least that's what I keep saying when people ask WTF is going on there then?!
  4. Don't you just love the strange looks you get in public? Same here, clean shave on 1st, then shaped on 4th into a Lemmy esque thing.

    of course, none of this is true without pictures...
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  5. So prove it :smile:
  6. Pics.... :)

  7. Will you raise more money still if you grow a mole to go with it?
  8. Trust the mother in law to go too far.....

    Hairy MIL.jpg
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  9. Had her:frown:
  10. One week on ImageUploadedByTapatalk1352320962.355378.jpg

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  11. Are those hairline cracks in that mirror?

  12. It's a postmark, surely.
  13. Hmm, the Luddite that I am means I don't seem to be able to upload or attach photo from iPhone, or send from iPhone to iPad for upload (android seems to allow send via Bluetooth, but struggling with iPhone).

    Ah well...
  14. Use tapatalk instead easy peasy from iPhone even I can do it lol
  15. Right come on let's see how your all doing pics please.
  16. Movember 9th !!

    Bit slow so far!!

    Movember 9th 001.jpg
    #57 The Budster, Nov 9, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2012
  17. Not going great if Im honest but its only early days


  18. Movember.jpg
    I reckon another few months and I could be there. Oh......

  19. Geeze did you all shave it off and start again?
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