1200 DVT What Decat Fits What Can?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Yoozy, Sep 9, 2016.

  1. I'm having a right palava getting me head round what decat fits what can on the 15/16 Mutley. I'm only 3 weeks into Ducati, it's all new and weeeerd.
    Does anyone know what fits what?
    This Termi can is far too quiet, if I can't find a decat that's not stupid loud I'll buy a decat and can combo.
  2. Just get the full Termi mate. Looks the bollocks and sounds like a Spitfire!

    It's what credit cards are for isn't it?
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  3. Arrow, QuatD and SC Poject all offer a complete decat system with baffles that is cheaper than the Termignoni complete system. QuatD looks Monsteresque double barrelled, there is nothing like the SC Project :D and the Arrow can be considered quite staid. I wouldn't bother with MiVV and Leo Vince only do the decat pipe - if you can get one. Andy
  4. When you evaluate the cost of your chosen kit. Weigh up that towards the full termi.
  5. image.jpeg Taa chaps, but first what decat will fit the termi I have.
  6. I've got the Termi end can on mine too mate and it is pretty quiet, although my mates said they could hear a (better) difference compared to the standard can. Think I'll leave mine as it is as I cba to faff around finding, fitting and fettling a decat. But then you have always been an obsessive tinkerer!
  7. True Sparky. I was on a mates earlier version, a 10 plate and it had a Mivv system on, and I was in that Scotland, and it were magic. I've had a bad experience with Mivv though so won't buy their stuff again. I might get the Arrow kit and see if the Termi will nail on and flog the can. Dunno, I'm nearly at bottom of a bottle of red and will probably get meself in trouble with our Maude soon.
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