I know incredible isnt it....just hit lunchtime and opened up a few of the tabloids and apparenty Sinita said its got nothing to do with her (as apparently she dated him 27 years ago) talk about fucking desparate for the limelight....well, shit love, based on that fucking statement i had nothing to do with it either.....based on what others have said its a pretty shallow society we live in when crap like this gets the top of the news...
We were stuck in a lift together - it was a long night...we were deciding who was going to be Mrs pitt...
For someone asking the question, you seem to be very excited about this, not only raising it on a bike forum but then replying twice to your own post, talk about fkn irony!!! Catch up later when you get back from buying Hello magazine:flushed:
The thread isn't about their marriage, its about why they/the media or anyone else would think the rest of us could possibly be interested in the banality of the failed marriage between people we don't know. Other than a bit of ribaldry, no details discussed here, just incredulity that they've made the front page. That's the subject, not the event.