939 SP Testing The Water...

Discussion in 'Hypermotard' started by Cottonbreath, Sep 10, 2016.

  1. Yeah, your probably right - not the right bike for my riding style.

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  2. After sharing a garage at Silverstone today with a guy on a Hyper SP lapping at mid 2:30's in the fast group I'm seriously considering swapping the monster for one.

    Having said that bikes are a personal thing - all the mags' rave about the RSV4 but I'm faster on the Pani than I was on the Ape. All I can suggest is getting the bike set up for you and how you use it - you can get the suspension set up for less than £50 and I'm sure this will help.
  3. I'm slowly slowly getting to like it to the point now where I'm beginning to opt for the SP over my other bike
    Decided to get it dyno'd and an aftermarket can when money allows.
    I'm feeling slightly more positive about it now - I know it's a good bike deep down[emoji106]

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  4. Flipping between bikes will slow down the process of getting used to a bike. I've now ridden mine in all weathers and I'm used to how it behaves. I'm not super fast and would never claim to be. But the bike suits my needs perfectly. It'll be going to MCT as soon as I can get it in.
  5. Other day in the Black Forest following my friend on his brand new S1000RR, at the first sight of hairpins and slow curves I was well ahead. Then he warmed up and got in contact specially on longer curves. The Hyper defends itself well and I've seen people who have more skill than me so felt happy when he told me I go very fast on the Hyper which he wasn't expecting (we also ride with me on a S1000R). So nice comparison.
  6. Had a brill ride out on the SP today. Really starting to appreciate what this bike is about. Did my first wheelie too, totally by accident mind - thought I'd give it some beans after leaving a junction in 2nd.....jeeeezus, I nearly did a back flip. Think I left some brown onions on the road behind me too. This thing ain't half got some torque!
    Only downer from the ride was the mirror clamp had come loose, so had to pull over every 10 mins to tie it up. Because clutch is connected to that clamp, it was a pain in the posterior keeping one eye on that as well as the road. Emailed dealership - waiting for reply. Upon inspection I can see the female part is threaded so new part is def required.
    Other than that, loving it![emoji106]

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  7. Oh and a wasp/bee stung me on the neck

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  8. Are you satisfied with the overall level of attention you're getting now?
    Do keep us upto date
  9. It's an awesome wheelie machine. If it was a 916 I'd have starved that front cylinder of oil by now. :smile:

    Good to hear you've bonded with it. Is an awesome bike.
  10. Had another nice ride on colder conditions, yet after some time found back the feel from the tires and the bike. I can say that the whole experience left me a well being that lasts already 4 days why? because this Hyper requires certain input from the rider BUT it is not tiring (we did 495 Km in one day and I could have done 200 more) AND it gives you back like 3 times the excitement.

    One pushes it means brake hard and later prior turning, push it to make small ratio turns and from side to side quickly, twist the throttle you feel the grip the front starts going up, you're out of the turn and finishing it mostly with the rear. Sound, agile quick acceleration and GO, next turn and so on.

    It is that rewarding.

    I recall other bikes being as rewarding but requiring as much effort to make them "work". More physical ones.

    This is the one thing the Hyper has, it demands not much physically but it rewards you right away. This is what I want to transmit. Sometimes doubts come about it because of riding or how to ride it best or clunky on slow city... but after such rides I know why I don't want to get rid of it (I know why I got my second hyper in this case SP one).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Likewise - its a full on 'Attack' style bike that just goes and goes....yet if you want to ride sedately, it can also do that. Its a very engaging ride - keeps you on your toes - this was probably what was causing my initial doubts, coming from bikes that were more docile in comparison.

    Im liking this bike more every time I go on it - I reckon Id be regretting it if I had of sold it. Its exactly the bike I need - 100% fun!
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  12. Thats quite the turnaround...but then for most the hypermotard is like that....they dont sell particularly well, they have a small user base but, i would say of that user base theres a very high percentage of users that wouldnt let them go. I reckon, if you gave a hypermotard to a hundred people that had never ridden one or even looked at one, my guess is 80% would keep it. Ive ridden my rsv4 to work this morning (not been out of the garage for 3 months or so) and im so used to riding the hyper and my zed the first roundabout i hit i thought i was going to fall off it as im so used to the hyper's positioning...
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