Clay shooting

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by fujack, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. Here is most of the collection my kids have at my place - I have given up picking nerf darts up, and surprised at just how few nerf guns end up at their mum's place :rolleyes:

  2. Lol looks like Harrys stash
    He has one the fires tiny yellow balls and I find them everywhere!!!
    Funnily they dont find a way to his dads :-/
  3. i just pop down to haringey high street for a blast now and again
    seems a popular past time round these parts, especially for the boys in blue ;-)
  4. me :) me :) me :)

    love it :) Kalashnikov, PM98, KBKS , and all sort of sports i.e Anshutz 1912 , psp and others .....
  5. Is it wise to post pictures of your arsenal (I mean armoury) on the forum?........It doesn't take much for someone to work out where a member is........

    Plod would have my tickets if the found out I had disclosed to the world what I have.

  6. does anyone else have a mmental image of said game bird walking of out of the undergrowth with one wing behind its head and the other holding a white flag, when faced with that lot?!!
  7. went clay shooting for the first time few weeks back with a pro coach, enjoyed it but a broken shoulder few years back in a bike accident ment i came back quite sore and very bruised the next day even with a shoulder pad and gun butt and right postioning of gun on shoulder, enjoyed it though and top shot of the four of us, pity my shoulder dosnt like it, still might have another go ; ) , kev
  8. 'Lean into' the shot before you pull the will bruise less.

    And remember with crossing 'birds' if you are right handed, as you swing to the left, your right shoulder rises a bit, so apart from needing to alter aim, it also pulls the stock pressure off the shoulder a little. When swinging to the right, your right shoulder drops a bit and the stock presses a bit harder.

  9. Plastic BB guns are banned here. Enough trouble plucking suction nerf darts off my baldy head, never mind plastic bb out of my ears, nostrils and eyes! :eek:
  10. #30 El Toro, Nov 12, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2012
  11. Lol, I thought you meant they were banned in Liverpool. I can understand them being banned now with two lads 14 and 9.

    My two (31 and 32) were firing them at each others bare arses on holiday in the lakes a couple of weeks ago, just to see how much they hurt :rolleyes:

  12. How did he do community service in prison ?
  13. sounds like mini-jackass time - pmsl
  14. LOL, I only use one at a time ! My son is usually with me using another one, the rest are at home. :wink:
  16. Ive got a trap, 12 acre field in Surrey, get a few of you and sort a clay day! Lets see who's who....
  17. I'm in
  18. Good man, my traps only a swinger but its good for two clays a throw, if you guys/n'Gals want to sort something Im good to go! The offer is there and I am always around on here.. Land is in Grayswood, Haslemere. Surrey :)

    A few more with traps, bring your own clays and carts and we could have a day on.. :)
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