Multi Doesn't Know What Gear It Is In - HELP!

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by GRA1, Nov 11, 2012.

  1. Lovely crisp sunny Sunday morning so off I went for a quick ride. All was well with the World when I stopped for a coffee at the local bike gaff. Suitably refreshed got back on the bike and rode off. Within 500 yards or so noticed that the gear indicator was showing I was in 2nd when I reckoned I was in 4th. Kept an eye on the indicator which then went mad and started showing 3rd, then 2nd, then 1st. Whilst this was going on the engine started to either surge or slow for a splt second. After about 3 miles of this I stopped and switched off hoping that a switch off/on may clear what I thought may be a software glitch. No such luck so I limped back home covering the clutch. The issues remained for the rest of the journey but at least didn't get worse and left the bike rideable with care. When I arrived home noticed that even though I was in neutral the bike would not restart without the clutch being pulled in. So its off to the dealer on Tuesday (too busy Monday) to get sorted. Anyone ever suffered this problem or anything remotely similar. Bike had plenty of fuel, running Ok between the occassional engine surges and rev drops so assume this is not a mechanical fuelling issue.
  2. Yes, GRA1, I've had exactly this. (Mostly after getting wet from rain or washing) It took my dealer ages to sort it out. They have replaced my clocks (again), a new gear position sensor and finally a complete new wiring harness. I still don't know what the actual problem was but it seems OK now. Well, it has been for a week now!

    Luckily, it was done under warranty. Hope you get yours sorted soon.
  3. I had this happen on my R1. Soon sorted when the wire from the gear was poked back in its routing/housing :upyeah:
  4. Thanks Strada_Stu. Decided to limp over to the dealer today, started her up and all looked good. Rode the 25 miles to the dealer without any of the said problems. They mechanic took the bike out and noticed that the ABS light was staying on but very dim (I didn't spot this). Went off for a few hours and then called to see how they were getting on. Problem solved, instrument panel changed so only outstanding issue was that I would have to pop in after 500 miles to cancel the service light. Bike is now 0 miles old! They then mentioned a coolant change which could be done now or when I next came in. Told them they might as well get it done there and then. After an hour I wonder why this is taking so long so enquire how much longer. Bike is now blowing a fuse on start up. Rather than pressure the guy suggested he take a break and come back to the problem next day. I have a loan std Multi in the meantime so would rather they get the problem properly sorted. I just hope this is not going to turn out into a protracted swap this, try that scenario and that the true cause of the fault is identified and rectified.
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