...and Another Departure To Darth Vaderland

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by ibgarrow, Sep 24, 2016.

  1. Those of us who've followed @JH_1986 's tragedy will understand why I've traded in my 2011 S Sport for an S1000XR. Much as I loved my Multistrada (still do) it was time to move on at 23000 miles unless I was going to keep it forever.

    First impressions:
    Whereas my Ducati was like a somewhat older girl, very fit, who is into martial arts and would rip your head off if you took liberties, the S1000 is a twenty-odd blonde bombshell who loves parties. She takes your breath away keeping up. The Ducati was quite happy going for long walks, or runs, in the country, or even annihilating any opposition in short-distance sprints, but the BMW just keeps shouting "faster, faster, go round a corner, overtake. Go on, open the throttle-I'll make that lovely noise that you like if you do..."

    Back down to earth.
    I have to get used to the revs. I keep looking for more gears-it's not a relaxed cruiser like the Multi. And there's the lack of engine braking on the overrun. Where I'd just roll off coming to a roundabout, I have to brake now to scrub off the speed. Brakes are equally-good, mind. I do miss the savage thrust from the twin when overtaking, although the S1000 does the job in a different way.

    On the plus side, the steering is much lighter and the BMW seems to carry its weight lower. The fuelling is much better, allowing me to modulate the throttle more judiciously. My Ducati was quite on/off at small throttle openings.
    I found the wind protection from the screen better than expected, although I'm not impressed with the "up or not-up" adjustment. Strangely, my crotch receives more wind! Don't know if that's a plus or minus! It seems to come around the fairing/tank and swoop down.

    I've used my first tankful playing with the quickshifter and making that addictive snarl from the airbox. Let's see how it wears over the winter.
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  2. Judas :)
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  3. Glad you like it. By then you wouldn't come on here and say you don't, would you ;)
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  4. Had a new SE....sold it and bought a new DVT....no regrets whatsoever.....( except the quickshifter was epic )....get yersen son Evotech bar ends to reduce the high frequency vibes, and some rad guards as they are too exposed.
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  5. ..other bike section?
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  6. Correct. Thread moved
  7. Just collected my Xr from its 1st year annual service today, ok it only has 3400miles on the clock so far but even still, I was happy with the bill being under £200 from a main Motorrad dealer

    Ive tried a few alternative bikes recently, all either super naked or superbike.

    The panigale 959 I must admit I actually really liked and may still follow that route, in fact it's looking likely.

    Even the S1000rr was epic, although to be honest 'possibly' too much for the street.

    However, each and every time I get back on my XR I honestly do struggle to think of a better 'do it all' bike with this much power and so much fun.

    It's ridiculously quick on the British roads, so well planted, agile, comfy, even sounds good on the overrun and down shift blips. I sincerely don't think I'd struggle keeping tabs on any other superbike on normal roads riding this.

    Also all this bollocks about vibration I sincerely don't get, and i do mean that...I just don't get any.

    Maybe it's because I just ride it ragged as opposed to sitting on mundane motorway at bang on 70mph, but if by chance you do get some just do as mentioned and buy some £40 bar ends from Evotech.

    Anyway, enjoy the bike, I'm sure you will.

    If I can have this XR and the panigale I'll be a very happy man,
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  8. I didn't detect any significant bar vibes when I test rode an XR recently. I can't see what all the fuss is about either.
    I'm afraid I couldn't adjust to an I/L four though. Constantly found myself in the wrong gear and having to bang in down two or three to get into the power and then I felt like I was abusing the engine. I'm so used to short-shifting and using that massive whack of torque from my Ducati and the 1290 KTM in particular that I don't think I can recalibrate my brain to a four now. I might go V4 one day but I think my I/L days are over. For all that, I get why people like the XR. Lovely chassis and suspension and for those who do like I/L fours nothing else will do. The GS still takes first prize for comfort though.
    It was the first time I'd used a quick-shifter. I did find a slightly odd notchiness at the clutch lever when making conventional clutched changes. I guess you get used to that.
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  9. Ive Px'd my XR for a GSA. I do think the Multistrada is possibly/probably a more interesting ride than both but in my own view too risky. The seat crushes your balls, the reliability is patchy and perhaps the 3 year resale too on a 16k bike could get eye watering.

    The XR is a great bike but it's the sort of bike I moved away from, I found myself riding like a loon just to hear the searing screaming noise. I rode round Spain like I was on a track day. You do get used to the higher revs after a while.

    I can't stress how good/competent a bike it is and it's all day comfy, mine had no vibes either. Just not for me these days maybe I'm getting old!
  10. I pretty much agree with that but the reasons you didn't like it are exactly the reasons I do :)

    For me it's just a more sporty bike than any other 'sports tourer' type I've ridden.

    Being tall I just seem to fit it and I like pushing on and treating it like a big supermoto, yes it's bloody fast and frantic but my god is it fun :)
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  11. Just spotted this thread and as I’m another who has gone over to the dark side I'll add my tuppence worth.
    I absolutely loved my 2012 S Sport Mutley but after 4 ½ years and 17,000 miles there were a few niggles starting to show up that convinced me it was time to move on while it still had some residual value.
    @damodici is absolutely bang on with this:
    That suits me down to the ground, the reason I bought the Mutley was because at the time I thought it was the best upright sports bike, I happen to think the XR fulfils that role better now. I call mine "the sports bike for the hip replacement generation".
    When I tested the DVT I thought it was the more sensible choice - who'd have thought it eh? A Ducati more sensible than a BMW!

    I've done 2,000 miles on the XR in 2 months including a week at the Classic TT terrorising sports bikes over the mountain. The Mutley handled well but the XR shades it, the quick shifter is a hoot and the tractability fabulous. I'm absolutely loving it and can't say I've found the adjustment to an IL4 too arduous. Oh and I agree that the vibes thing is way overblown.
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