Put the first 200+ miles on the new DVT and firstly I would like to say I was a little apprehensive about about mid range power mostly but power generally compared to my old multi ..... well ... Im NOT worried anymore .. and im still running her in and not gone over 7k revs. No mods as of yet but will be fitting mivv can and decat .... is it me .. and my wife, that think this things pulls like a train .... I've nearly lost her of the back 4 or 5 times already, and we've not even had a row lol Any way .... the one worrying thing for me is that I feel, as does the wife, that I get this bike lent over a bit more than the other, No chicken strips after 40 or so miles and it really does feel like its on rails ... but my confidence was shot down when I felt scrapping while lent over, both left and right :0 After closer inspection it was my center stand ..... again, the last one did it also so got heavier springs front and rear and removed the center stand but was hoping that with DSS this wouldnt be a problem ... So ... is it i'm just a fat git .... or do I have to tune the suspension a bit. I have removed the center stand as I really do feel uncomfortable with pieces of the bike making contact with the ground .... Oh and the stand catches my foot as did the last one for many people.... Anyone have the same problem ? don't mind leaving the stand off but when away with the wife touring it would make chain maintenance easier
... or you could suggest that the wife could do with losing a few pounds. That should solve your problems.
Firstly, Hi fatgit Secondly, what ya doing taking it up to 7k in the first 600 miles ? Thirdly, I agree with you, there's more grunt in my DVT than what there was in my twinspark. p.s. Wish I didn't have chicken strips on my tyres
Yeah! But that will only be a couple of ounces or whatever a pair of testicles weigh, after their removed ?
Assume its a standard not S? (should have bought the S ) Maybe try ramping the preload right up, and if no good change springs
Pete, that would just would create more problems .. like ... a black eye .. kick in the balls .. no fkin dinner or clean clothes ..... plz sensible replies only
because you can adjust from the bars/screen for pillion?! Have you got it set for rider and pillion? And camber can make massive difference. A couple of roads I used to ride a lot I would always get the stand down if 'on to' not because I was running out of travel, but amber, bumpy road, on the gas combined to make it so
Yes I think road camber did play a part mate, I was in 2 person sport mode and on harder level not default, it just really unsettles me thinking something could/will touch down when 'on it' and lent over
In which case must be spring I'm afraid. Although, depends how hard it goes down. Edge of tyres is real lean angle tho, like nothing left angle (depending n tyres, the scorpions are easy, PR4s far less so) so I'd suggest you may also take it as a warning that you really don't want to lean any further. Just a sign of how good the bike is
I'm a big fan of Mitchi tyres and love the new pilot power 3s so will put them on next but not b4 I've had my monies worth
I have the same problem and I know one other DVT S owner has also. It first happened on a tour of central Portugal this year, fully loaded but not overloaded, pannier wise, me 13st and wife 10st fully kitted, so hardly heavyweights. Only improved slightly by upping the preload and setting to hardest level, running PR4s edge to edge and in Sport mode pillion+luggage. Also had it happen without luggage, now trying to teach the wife to hang off so i can keep the bike a bit more upright!! Mentioned it to my dealer, who strangely hadn't heard of this before! Not keen to leave the centre stand off for touring but it is certainly unsettling when it touches down. Oh and by the way never had this happen on my 2013 MTS GT.
I did Oulton few months ago. Pillion setting, plus HARDER on settings sport, and was grinding stand with supercorsas fitted (off the rear, few mm left front) bit I'm 120kg plus kit so like two people anyway...so springs are deaf too soft for real size people 2-up with camber taken into account and a reasonable 45deg rider on board
Just a bit of advice, do what I did load your panniers with bricks to their max recommended weight, set you suspension up for 2 + luggage then both get on the bike and ride around the block, then get an understanding friend to take a photo of how the bike is sitting as you pull up, Turns out I'm a very fat git, I only had around 20 - 30mm of travel left when at a stand still ad in a bit of dive from the chain pulling and I'd of had 0 travel. in the end I had to get a spring made, weather the ducati one was faulty or not I don't know but the bike's been a dream since fitting an uprated spring.
Mma Precious Ramotswe is described as 'traditionally built' in the No.1 Ladies Detective Agency series. Traditional for ladies in Botswana, that is. Does that help?