Does anyone else get frustrated with the 5 to 10 minutes it takes to get ready before actually setting off on your motorcycle? It takes me at least 10 mins to put on all the gear and connect up my helmet and satnav etc before actually riding off. I miss the times I used to literally grab my helmet and gloves, jump on a bike and go. Nowadays, for short journeys its probably quicker to take the car, but admittedly not as much fun. Maybe I need to practice getting ready so that I cut down the time before the fun starts! ))
Do it everyday and you will soon get it down to a T - cant avoid a little delay in the morning though as warming up the bike takes time, neighbours love me..not.
I have to leave my bike in my dads garage after a theft at mine so this is now my procedure for getting to work; Get up SSS Get dressed Walk 10 minutes up the road Get unchanged Get changed into bike gear Get to work Get changed out of bike gear Get changed into work gear Work Get changed into bike gear Ride home to my Dads Get changed Get home Get changed into trackie bottoms etc Feel like a fucking catwalk model some days. Would send me over the edge if I started dicking about with sat navs, ear phones and such like too.
Satnav! What do you need a satnav for? Are you scared you'll get lost? The only times I use a satnav is if I'm travelling abroad or to somewhere I've never been before, not many places left in Scotland I haven't been to, or if I'm looking for a specific address in a city I'm not familiar with. Wearing proper clothing these days does take a bit longer getting ready though.
always get bike out of garage start her up. In the time it takes me to lock garage up get jacket on lock front door then put on my helmet and gloves she at a temp of 40 or so so ready to go
I have to change my flip flops to sandals, and put on lid and gloves before I ride off. The tee shirt and shorts are fine. If I forget the sandals then I find the gear change hurts my toes.
Had to many crashes were I was nipping out to the local village/town & skidded on black ice/diesel invisble spill & stalling at junctions. To have suffered a number of aches/small self inflicted skin grafts & general "Why the fuck not wear the proper gear numptie" induced talking too's. Seeing young & older riders with no gloves on in summer fills me with horrific images let alone going down to t-shirt & shorts. I do however love my sharp evoline3 helmet which I keep in the open position way above three-figures. If its not my rukka arma-s stuff its two-peice leathers! ps: You only have 8-layers of skin, once you go down through those. They take skin from other parts of your body to cover the injury.
I always say that we get there quicker but lose it in the getting ready. My wife hates that part of biking. We spend 10 mins getting ready and 10 mins the other end getting everything in the top box/panniers and locking up. We like to wear normal clothes when at our destination and store helmets, jackets etc. with the bike. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I suppose that we all only have 8 layers of skin therefore we should all give up bikes and use the car. I have managed to make it to the ripe old age of 58 now without losing any of that skin despite riding in shorts whenever I could for most of those years. We only have two lungs but look how many people smoke. We only have one liver but look at how many people drink. It is now law in France that riders of motorcycles must wear approved motorcycle gloves and that is why I wear them, gone are the days of bare hands or my thin leather RAF flying gloves. They will be wanting us to have MOTs on bikes next!
It's not the 5 minutes getting ready that pisses me off, it's the mile trip to the garage to put fuel in and have to remove gloves to fill up, I always say I must fill up befor I get home but never do.
I bought a 10L fuel can and fill it up when passing a garage in the car, fill the bike at home and can go for an hour without needing to stop on a summers evening.
Part of the appeal of a cafe racer, scrambler, flat tracker type bike. Jeans, boots, gloves, jacket, turn key and go!
Kazakhstan flag? are you there or is it a server issue. One of my long time dreams is to visit, as I can call it (no offence intended) 'the Stans' Probably need to remove Afghanistan and maybe Pakistan.
Well spotted. Yep, currently in Kaz. I plan to ride the multi here next Spring or Autumn, as Winters are too cold and Summers too hot. Central Asia or the 'stans are great, people are friendly, its pretty safe living here, the driving is mad! The roads are loooong and generally not in great condition, but some of the main roads have been reconstructed. There is a Kaz Ducati dealer in Almaty and another in Samara, Russia which is just north of Kaz. That's my planned entry/exit point to Kaz. If you ever want info on the area let me know.