yip. we managed to intervene and save the steel industry to some extent not much coal used in nuclear subs anymore, not to sure where the steel is coming from right enough. maybe France, like hinkly?
govans alright,, just the people is the prob,, worked in that yard a few times ( ( hard times ) locals hated us, stole everything that was not welded down,, boots, thermals, screens, would even steal wire brushes at dinner time,, hated it..
So, as an Englishman, let me try to understand the US electorate. The electorate where poor and unemployed people with no health care where campaigning avidly against free healthcare. The electorate of low paid unskilled and semiskilled workers currently working as slaves with no rights for rich white powerful men, are voting for a rich powerful white man to save them from the system. Is that about it?
Indeed. What could possibly go wrong? Britain continues to try to model itself on the USA. Just need to be entirely rid of that pesky NHS monstrosity.
Yep. Stick it on a poster with Trump on it and thats got Facebook meme written all over it... #letsgoviral
yep , thats about it,,,, as an english voter who does much the same for the same people every 4 years i would expect that you would have a pretty good understanding.
but loz you cant blame us for trying right? heres a wee cut and past from a comment on the dugs site. the post title is "a crooked creep or a creepy crook". I don’t think Trump thought he had a snowballs chance in hell of being selected as the GOP candidate. He wouldn’t have either if the choice wasn’t between him and a christian fundamentalist who believes religious war is acceptable (Ted Cruz). To be fair to Ted, its his wife who is truly loony tunes (sociopathic IMHO) but he’s so far to the right himself that he scares Republicans. Think about that for a second. The alternative to Trump was more scary to right-wing nutters than Trump himself ! Trump is a blustering fool who will probably be quite relieved when he loses. The military dealt with senile Ronnie, they can deal with Trump. Hillary on the other hand IS the establishment & Tony Blair took lessons from her & Slick Willie on corruption & shilling for despots/dictators. She’ll do a lot more than start a “small war” – the middle-east will be a firestorm as EVERYONE knows she’s Israel’s vote. Normally there can be some pretence towards the Presidents views but not with Hillary. AIPAC owns her & have for decades. I also think its far more likely that Hillary will be an enemy to Scottish indy than Trump. He doesn’t give a toss one way or another & anything he says is likely to have the opposite effect over here All Hillary will be interested in is where are the “British” nukes (SSBNs) going to go? Same as Obama was. It’ll be about turnout/early voting. Trump will get the turnout, Hillary gets the “early vote” (AKA postal votes). Hillary nudges it by under 2% on votes cast but a landslide in electoral college votes.
feck it. more relevant to us up here but here you go. A crooked creep or a creepy crook « Wee Ginger Dug
finm, I am impressed. You saw a masterful summing-up of the US Presidential Election and you recognised it as a useful document. You're coming along, I believe there may be hope for you. See! The lessons on politics you are taking are a good thing