Ducati EverRed warranty program ending 31/3/2012

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by AndyW, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. Picked up on this over on the ducati.ms forum - apparently some US MTS1200 owners are getting emails from their Dealers.
    Speculation is that the current EverRed cover is so comprehensive that it's working out too expensive for Ducati to keep it going. Talk of less comprehensive / alternative cover to be made available but all a bit unclear right now.

    Anyone visiting their Dealer over the next day or two please ask about this.

    .........if it's the case anyone who's bike hits it's 18 month anniversary (from date of purchase.....weird Ducati policy that extended cover has to be taken by this date;-) over the next few months should consider taking up cover early. Mine was sorted a while back :D
  2. This was the smae information that was hinted at when I spoke to the dealer a couple of weeks ago. I tried to take out the update and paid (even though I'm a 2nd owner and knew about the issues with this). The dealer was trying to get Ducati to honour this as they were the ones that took my money and assured me that this was OK at the time.
  3. Just put a call in to Sheffield Motorcycles - awaiting a reply!
  4. Wherabouts in Sheff are you? - Bents Green myself
  5. Not a Sheffield lad, I'm just outside Lincoln - I used SMC to buy my bike as I have repeatedly poor experience dealing with my "local" showroom.

    All my service work is done by Neil at Cornerspeed.
  6. Wouldn't surprise me, Andy. Judging by my history, I always reckoned they were on a hiding to nothing extending the full warranty for under £300. That's why I took it out. Another good reason is that it would be very helpful if you wanted to sell the bike in its third year (only to replace it with another new MTS of course!). The MTS has such a well known history of minor but expensive problems that a buyer would be reassured by having a factory warranty remaining. I tried unsuccessfully to deal with the extension via a couple of local dealers but finally it appeared that only the original selling dealer is supposed to offer the extension. Not a problem as I dealt with Riders of Cardiff (I'm now in Essex) by telephone and credit card and received the paperwork in due course.
  7. Hmmm - I paid for my extended warranty a number of weeks back.

    Got a receipt from the dealer, but nothing yet from Ducati.

    I assumed I wouldn't get anything until nearer the 2 year anniversary - but maybe I should be concerned and/or chase it up?
  8. I paid for mine last November Steve, like you I have a receipt but have heard nothing further........I do vaguely remember something being said about the paperwork coming through close to the 2yr anniversary (early May for me) but I think I will chase up now.
  9. Does'nt say much for Ducati, or the Multistrada as a long term keeper, that they are pulling back from an extended warranty because of expected future costs, without some sort of cover the value of bikes that could cost a fortune to fix or replace critical parts will plummet like a stone. every dealer in the industry won't want to touch them when they get a few years old.
  10. .... remember the reason for withdrawal (assuming this isn't something US related only) is only speculation and we don't know what may be introduced in its place.

  11. I bought my bike from Ducati Aylesbury. They rang me when the bike was 17 months old advising if I wanted the extended warranty I had to sign up (and pay £300) before the bike was 18 months. I decided to go for it. I paid up on 12/03/12 and received receipt and 'Application for warranty extension' in the post. I have not yet received confirmation from Ducati that my 'application' has been successful. The paperwork closes "Looking forward to a confirmation that the Company has accepted my Application".

    Should I expect to get confirmation from Ducati sometime?
  12. I paid £280 back in November (bike was 16Months old) and apart from the invoice I've heard diddly squat since then, I'm going into Snells next week and will have to ask if/when I will get confirmation, or is the paid invoice a valid confirmation. I was told at the time of purchase that I should keep the invoice with the hand book as a record of the extended warranty but I will check anyway.
  13. .

    I saw this thread last week and checked with D Manchester, They had no knowledge of it being removed
    As it was the 31st and Italy is closed I paid for it there and then for my multi.
    Checked on Wednesday advised it had gone through ok and the story isn’t correct.
    There is talk of it possibly changing, maybe price or what is covered (possibly expensive electronics not being covered)
    But nothing in concrete.
    And no date set.
    Best keep checking with dealers for more info if you’re looking to extend.
  14. Andy. Thanks for the link to the site. Hope the legs on the mend. Since the demise of George White I purchased the warranty from Riders Bridgewater about two months ago but have heard nothing. Has anyone received theirs on the 2 year anniversary. Mines not 2 until September.
  15. Hi Brian....you took your time getting here! lol Not quite there yet, strength pretty good but had some sort of set back pain wise (gotten worse over the last couple of weeks - checked out ok by Consultant though :weird:) Hope to be able to ride within the next 10 days or so........thanks.
    Join here and watch out for meets and rideouts ;-)

    Riders Bridgwater is my local Dealer but despite what I said earlier I've not gotten round to them to chase up on my extended cover (effective early May). Give me a shout if you have to visit them any time ;-)
  16. i have just found out that the 3rd year warranty is only available through the original suplying dealer and also to the original owner! thought i would check up through my local dealer ( snells) as my bike is now 18 month old, sadly i filled in the change of ownership waranty details and sent to ducati. if i hadnt i might of been able to contact previous owner of bike and got the warranty via him ( if he had agreed). not sure how comfortable i am about keeping the bike outside of warranty!
  17. Worth pursuing further Jonny, I know I've talked to someone a while back who had the same problem, with a good Dealer onside they managed to get Ducati to change their mind ;-)

    I posted this on another forum a few weeks back...
    Have another chat with your Dealer and/or the original Dealer and see if you can get them onside....after all it'll not be doing Ducati's rep any good if every second owner sells before their bike's 2 years old as they can't get extended warranty cover ;-)
  18. going to call ducati uk on tuesday see if i can get any joy with them. the suplying dealer was m&s in newcastle will contact them aswell see if they can help! not giving up yet as i like the bike to much, but have to say not sure i could live with the bike outside of warranty!
  19. just got of the phone to ducati customer services! unfortunately as i bought the bike second hand from a non ducati dealership they are unable to offer an extended warranty!!
    dam and blast i am not happy. if it had been a ducati dealer they would of been able to offer the extension despite me being the second owner, so let that be a lesson when buying a secondhand ducati!
  20. That's a bummer.........maybe consider the third party Warranty cover options / insurance policies. Check out the ducati.ms and multistrada.net Multistrada forums, I know there have been some lengthy discussions so you might pick up advice on providers of third party cover, who's recommended and who to avoid ;-)
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