How does the 1200DVT compare with its competitors BMW, KTM etc...? I have owned by 996 from new, its the only bike I own, I'm think of getting something new to keep her company. Something like a 1200DVT (not sure which version though) I can use for all sorts of things, touring, a quick blast to the shops, maybe a track day etc.... I'm quite light and short, 5' 7" 66kg, so not sure a 230kg bike will be too much for me to handle, anyone like me own one? Suspension wise, is the 1200 and Pikes Peak manual adjustment and the 1200S configurable on the fly from the console? Only weighing 66KG I would probably have to have the dampers modified with softer springs??
I'm 5'8" and 66kg. I have a 2016 1200s DVT. I can manage (just) with the standard seat in its lower position, but if I was going to tour with a pillion would want the lower seat to make me feel a little more secure. The standard skyhook suspension settings have been fine for me, but I've not tried it in anger on a track. On the S you can change the 4 riding modes on the fly, and the 4 modes are themselves very customisable. You probably wouldn't want to change modes at much over 30mph though.
I swapped from a 2012 Multi S Sport to a BMW S1000 XR a few months ago. I bought the Multi because at the time I thought it was the best upright / comfy sports bike on the market. After 4 1/2 years on the Multi the XR better fulfils that role now compared to the DVT (for me). As an IL4 it's obviously much higher revving than a V-twin but it honestly didn't take long for me to adapt. It's definitely more sports than tourer, although it can do the touring pretty well too. I'm 6' 0" and about 90kg so the height and weight is not an issue. A recurring comment on here from DVT owners is that it is much more manageable for the short of leg so it may suit you better than the XR. However, that is available in a lowered suspension version and with lower seats. No substitute for getting out and trying them for yourself though.
Ok, so in the BMW world the XR is the nearest equivalent? I initially looked at the GS1200 but that's me being ignorant on their range.
XR = SPORTS / Tourer GS = Sports / TOURER There are those that suggest the XR was cloned from the Mutley :smirk:
Have a look at this video which compares the DVT, XR, KTM and GS. The XR is owned by someone of somewhat shorter stature. And there's a part 2 here:
The Superduke GT isn't the same class as the others imho, definitely compared to the Mutley. It's a stupid fast bike with rock hard suspension more suitable for fast straight touring roads. Whereas the others are more softer/usable and a more all rounder of a bike. Last three bikes I went Ktm Smt/SdrGT/Mutley. The Smt was an amazing do anything bike, should have kept it. The Gt, after the initial wooo new bike buzz wore off it started to get on my tits. The suspension never adjusted from rock hard no matter what I tried, I ended up hating it and was genuinely glad to see it go. It lasted 4 months. The Mutley is a true all rounder, happy pootling at 30/40 and will keep up with anything on the roads in the right hands. Its just a bloody good bike :thumbsup: I've got the base model, after the Gt experience I'm never touching lectric suspension again.
I kind of disagree with that statement, mine is fecking awesome and after putting some miles on it now with a trip to spain and france, it's bedded the suspension in just nicely, and it's still looks brand new so build quality is top dollar, it really is a versatile bike, ive owned the Xr and the multi and normally i would have traded the GT by now but I couldn't find anything to take its place so I still have it, ive been that happy with my purchase ive ordered the 2017 1290 super adventure sport and will run the GT alongside it. I really think your bike @Yoozy had a fault with the suspension.
So do I mate. I got sick of mythering the dealer, and Ktm were appalling tbh. They just didn't want to know. I could cope with the bonkers ness of the power, and it was a nimble bike, but the forks were dangerous. It was literally throwing me off whenever it went over the stightest ripple in the road. Pot holes, jeysus h corbett it was deadly. Anyroads, it was a wonky path that lead me to the Mutley but for me its much more suitable than the GT.
The XR is a tall bike I'm 6'2" and 100kg and it was just about right. Buy carefully, my friend swapped from a blade to a GS and dropped it inside 5 miles. He's used to it now tho and said he should have swapped years ago, but he has bought lowered seat n cams so he can flat foot. Of your list I'd personally go for a GS with factory lowered suspension. There a face lifted model due anytime.
If you are torn, indecisive, can't make your mind up, first read this poem by Robert Frost, then decide and don't regret: The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.