1200 DVT Suspension ... Weight Or Bad Center Stand Position !!

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by knightrider, Oct 29, 2016.

  1. Bit more info please JC, spring Nm and from where, price for spring and fitting
  2. I must have s look at the spring rate in mine
  3. As Bradders says change you tyres , it's easy to run to the end of the scorpions
    I also take my stand off for touring twisty rides.
    Wrecked a pair of boots in the summer without the main stand so you'll see its something else that touches down once you take the stand off
  4. OK this was my original thread. I did have another spring made shortly after the same as the one I listed a 3 stage but 192mm long as the first one was 5 mm shorter than the original sachs spring. The guy that designed it for me was brilliant, I think he has made a few for the Multistradas now so he will probably be quite quick to get one made, he also does a fitting service but as you can see I did my own only takes an hour. http://ducatiforum.co.uk/threads/rear-shock-upgrade.20300/#post-339170
  5. JC, just read through your original post and am now wondering if you've just had this done on pre DVT multi or have also had it done on the latest model, either way the guy should be able to do it for either. Firstly, I will try out different settings and also another suggestion of asking the wife to lose some weight or not take so much s*^t when when we go touring ...... I'm NOT expecting great results from the latter 2 lol
  6. Must be them pork pies or the scorpion tyres mate, didnt get to the edge of the Michelins on the last multi ;)
  7. Btw, very impressed with Roadsmart 3s on the GS. Never a moment and great on wet roads too (once warmed up).
  8. LOL aye defo not the wife that needs to lose a bit of timber .... but she does take far too much gear ;)
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