given my slender grasp of Italian, the article I posted suggests a brief untreatable illness as cause of death.
Hello, Sadly Ray was killed in a crash at the weekend while riding his Ducati. Raymond Mullet Ilminster motorcyclist killed in crash will be 'sorely missed' by friends and family | Somerset Live I just wondered if anyone knew him and had any stories they would like to share. Many thanks- Josh
Helped destroy so much uk/usa colonial established destruction around the world. Now we are starting to see the downfall of usa_naziland with nations refusing to use funny money dollar. Long live the revolution against elitist scum lineageĀ¬!
If there is anybody who thinks that Fulgencio Battista was a better leader for Cuba than Fidel Castro, please step forward - and say why. Otherwise, may we take that everyone agrees Castro was an improvement?
What he said. You have to admire the Cuban spirit - the only country in the world that kicked America's ass & got away with it!