
Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Cosmobod, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. hello and welcome dude. I take it your over 60 then ? ( seems to be a requirement for mutly riders)
    • Love You Love You x 1
  2. How very dare you I'm 21 and a very big bit. Well 30 years if I'm honest.
  3. Chiz, Mutly rider here and no where near 60 :)
  4. Yep - youve probably crossed paths with wazzaduke at some point i guess (if youre talking about the uk ktm forum.)....the bloke a is comedian...welcome...
  5. in which direction?
  6. there is the exception i guess ( very odd)
  7. 50....Just and apparently thats the new 40 :)
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  8. chizel is only jealous because his legs aren't long enough to get on a Mutly.
  9. cool! I've got 5 years before I'm the new forty!!!! ( how comes I feel 60 already then?)
  10. cool! I've got 5 years before I'm the new forty!!!! ( how comes I feel 60 already then?)
  11. yep.. I don't own one coz of my legs... That and my eye sight, as in I still have it..:D
    • Funny Funny x 1
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