We will be in Salamanca I think. Some fantastic roads to ride and not to far from Madrid for flights home to the uk.
Feck me! Get yourself a "normal" company car, you'll save a fortune in company car tax and pay your mortgage off by next summer
Fortunately it's not my proper company car as because we drive lots of different cars we are put on a different system. 90% of the time it's something normal and boring but I only show you the decent ones lol.
To be fair tonight's car is far far better...... I get a bit embarrassed when I go to Asda in a yellow car and a child shouts banana car. Feel like i need to justify that I haven't personally spent £37k on a banana car
I like to be incognito. A man of mystery if you will. The truth is that I'm tight with fuel and don't like talking cars wherever I go as I do it all day and after 14 years it's truly taken it's toll. And pulling up anywhere in a flash car usually means I have to talk to someone who's tells me all about his mates suburu with 12000 horsepower. Bikes on the other hand ..... let talk.
Tight with fuel but want an R8? Are you nuts !! The V10 is not exactly a gee wizz you know not very incognito either to be fair!!
Yeh reality is back and I'm too tight to fuel it. I fancy a Atom too but ill probably just buy a bike again next year.