Car For Sale Maybe ?

Discussion in 'Non bike stuff for sale' started by Wayne58, Sep 14, 2016.

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  1. We will be in Salamanca I think. Some fantastic roads to ride and not to far from Madrid for flights home to the uk.
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  2. To be fair though I can use this for free so sometimes it seems silly to buy something.

  3. any alfa c4 or c8 owners on ere?
  4. Excuse my ignorance, but what is it ? Looks either USA or Japanese ??
  5. Yeh it's a V8 mustang
  6. Being seen in that would be a reason to buy something else..
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Got a red one too if that's more your liking?
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  8. You bought 2 ??? :anguished:
  9. Company cars mate.
  10. Feck me! Get yourself a "normal" company car, you'll save a fortune in company car tax and pay your mortgage off by next summer:)
  11. Fortunately it's not my proper company car as because we drive lots of different cars we are put on a different system. 90% of the time it's something normal and boring but I only show you the decent ones lol.
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  12. When are you gonna show the decent ones? I look forward for that ;)
  13. To be fair tonight's car is far far better......

    I get a bit embarrassed when I go to Asda in a yellow car and a child shouts banana car. Feel like i need to justify that I haven't personally spent £37k on a banana car
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. so what is it then ?
  15. A maroon focus with heated seats and 70mpg.
  16. hmm, not sure on your vehicle tastes of what's better and what's not :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. I like to be incognito. A man of mystery if you will.

    The truth is that I'm tight with fuel and don't like talking cars wherever I go as I do it all day and after 14 years it's truly taken it's toll. And pulling up anywhere in a flash car usually means I have to talk to someone who's tells me all about his mates suburu with 12000 horsepower.

    Bikes on the other hand ..... let talk.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. Tight with fuel but want an R8? Are you nuts !! The V10 is not exactly a gee wizz you know :grinning: not very incognito either to be fair!!
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  19. Yeh reality is back and I'm too tight to fuel it.

    I fancy a Atom too but ill probably just buy a bike again next year.
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