748 Speedo Mph Convertion

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by urto81, Jul 1, 2016.

  1. Ciao guys,

    Had been waiting for some time now as I had to import my Duca from Italy where I left it in storage for 6 years, then serviced it over the wjnter and I'm finally enjoying it now.

    It has got an MOT but that doesn't mean it's 100% at it still has the speedo in kmh.

    Is there anyone who can tell me how to fix it (apart from buying a new speedo)?

    Thanks and ridesafe.
  2. Hi buddy. I think the speedo is exactly what you need. No way around it. Get a secondhand one from ebay and make a not of the mileages to keep in your records.
  3. The speedometers and their mechanisms are the same for both Kilometers and Miles. If you get a broken MPH speedo you can simply swap faces.

    I have an MPH face on a Kilometer speedo and it is fine. There are people that can do the swap and I have had several speedos done over a period of time.

    Another option is to use an aftermarket kit dialface or buy a sticker and put that over the original speedo, which is legal.

    MPH Conversion stickers Red to fit KPH speedo for MOTORCYCLE with instructions | eBay
  4. If you swap over the face only from a mph speedo and fit it into your kmh speedo wouldn't the total mileage recorded still be kilometres though.
  5. Yes it would, but at least that mileage is genuine. The only other way around it is to doctor an MPH speedo to reflect the actual mileage of the bike. It can of course be done, or just use a secondhand speedo.
  6. These go between cable and speedo. I have one on my 907. Works well. I use the gold type that goes on the bottom of cable. I have blue type(top) spare if you want to try one. image.png
  7. Thanks everyone for your answers.

    All things considered I think for MOT purposes a sticker will suffice, I'll keep you up to speed ;)

    Thanks again

    Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
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  8. For an MOT, you probably don't need to do anything. They don't ride the bike or even test the speedo and so wouldn't actually know if it reads in kmh or mph despite what the writing says, as how would they know if it had a 'healer' fitted in the cable?

    The only thing is, they'll put down the mileage on the certificate as the figure in km.

    You will have to apply some tape to the dipped headlight to stop it glaring to the middle of the road though, unless you've swapped the headlight...
  9. The light can be converted with a piece of tin/ally.
    Take the light out and undo the deflector inside. Make a new mirror image one from a piece of thin metal.
    Screw back together and hey presto...done!
  10. I'm afraid the speedo has to display mph, otherwise it is an MOT fail. That's what DVLA says at least.. anyway, my bike's MOT is due next year, not to worry for now! ;)
  11. I will give this a go .. thanks RickyX:
  12. But if you were to use a 'speedo healer' that slows the cable drive by the relevant percentage (as above) then the same kmh speedo would effectively be recalibrated to display the true speed in mph, how would they know?

    Plus (although this proves nothing other than tester discretion) I have had 3 bikes pass MOT tests with a kmh speedo...
  13. My Honda 250 passes it's mot with a kph speedo.
  14. Mine passed it too, but if you get the picky one they can fail it.. it's a gamble.
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  15. My recently acquired ST2 has Kph clock displaying speeds in Mph. Does anyone know where the healer is usually located as I need to remove it?
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