1200 2010 Multistrada S Mods

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Tigerstrada, Dec 9, 2016.

  1. so what are you all doing to your multistradas
    Mines basically completely stock
  2. Mine modded in 5 ways comfort, performance, aesthetically and for practicality
    1) I changed the screen to shorter tinted one which reduces the buffering effect at speed.
    Also it looks better!
    2) I dropped the original exhaust for a full 50mm termignoni for performance and sound quality. Also it looks better!
    3) I changes the rear seat for a colour matched rear cowl, it offers more storage space and looks better!
    4) I've wired up and use a Tom Tom for touring purposes. This neither looks better or worse!
    5) Ohlins suspension control unit.
    Asthetics win out here I've realised... God I'm vain :)
    #2 Carr01, Dec 9, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2017
  3. didnt know you could get seat cowls!!!
    ive got a mivv suono with decat pipe all but bought
    im looking at the sticker kits, seen a few with/without them and they look far better with
  4. Best mods for your S are:
    1. Decat pipe and end can. Mines a LeoVince. Gets rid of the exhaust valve, cleans up the low down running, expands mid range and saves weight.
    2. Custom remap. Builds on the gains made by the decat. Perfect running everywhere and adds a few BHP.
    3. Ohlins Suspension Control Unit. Makes your suspension semi active. Soft round town but stiffens it up when you're going for it.
    If you do those three you'll have a whole new bike, fast, grunty and a pleasure to ride anywhere.
    There are plenty other ways to spend your money as well but they fall mainly under the headings of 'bling' or 'protection'
  5. Got a mivv suono with decat pipe coming.
    Wouldn't know where to remap her
    I've got an s model, so it that ohlins extra ?
  6. Öhlins did an add-on Mechatronic suspension control unit that replaces your existing stock SCU. Was around £270 but occasionally comes up 2nd hand (sorry, sold mine)
  7. On my 2012, better screen, Garmin Zumo and, no that's it.
  8. What majvs said.......exactly
  9. Depends where you are in the country but if you're anywhere near Bristol try CJS. Knows his business.
    If you've got a 2010 S you'll have Ohlins fitted. The Ohlins SCU replaces the standard unit
  10. South wales valleys, so that's about 2 hours away
  11. Definitely get in touch with CJS after you've ditched the cat.
    I went for a Mivv decat and Akrapovic slip-on
    Seemed loud initially but I'm used to it now
    My pal who's a traffic cop said he wouldn't pull me for it.
    I'm in Lancashire so it was a fair trip down to Bristol but
    It transformed the bike
  12. That control unit makes the bike semi active ? is it that much of a difference then, seen a few people rave about it
  13. Chalk and cheese, best £250/£300 you could spend. Transforms the handling. Andy
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  14. Evotech rad guard ,3M paint protector film , Ohlins Mechtronic SCU , Leo Vince mid pipe , Tuneboy with Tune edit and 3 maps loaded , cruise control , quickshifter up and down , MWR high performance air filter .
  15. I havent done much to mine but when I got it it had:

    Full Termi system
    Rizoma engine guards
    Progrips over heated grips (which burnt my had first time I used them)
    Paintwork has a stripe sort of like the Pikes Peak
    It had a darkened screen but on closer inspection someone had hacksawed it shorter as you could see the cut marks.
    DP handguards and mirrors which moves the indicator to the mirrors and they are LED

    My mods:

    New Puig screen slightly higher, much better
    Wheel rim tape as I like them

  16. Hi, ive just bought 1200s 2011 and have a 595LM zumo would you recommend a good mount and position ie above or below the clock ? ... Thanks
  17. I use a ram ball bolted to one of the handlebar clamps with a short arm which places the Zumo just below the clocks. It is possibly a bit lower in the field of view than ideal but it works OK for me.
  18. My 2015 I am using a touratech lockable mount and Garmin 660. It mounts to handlebar mounts. That position works fine for me.
  19. You need a Navihalter sat nav mount. Puts your sat nav behind the screen above the dash. No taking your eye off the road to look down at a handlebar mounted sat nav and no issues with it colliding or being obscured by a tank bag.
  20. Totally agree with this but with the Touratech locking wotsit
    Found some scrouts trying to get my satnav off in Spain and it beat them
    • Funny Funny x 1
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