Multistrada Gallery

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Rob, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Nice mate. What's it like without the cat?
  2. Seemed to idle slightly erratic at first, nothing to worry about, and then it seemed to steady itself,, but definitely better power on power off. Like having a blocked nose and then blowing a huge bogie out I spose :tearsofjoy:

    Its absolutely spot on noise wise for me.
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    Mate in yellow has a broken leg :Jawdrop:
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  6. Wtf, more details please, I'm assuming you got caught out? Where and when was this?
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. 7th November France about 50 miles north from Millau on the A75. One of the lads was taking his bike back from the UK to Spain (he lives there during the winter) and three of us thought it would be a good idea for us to accompany him back for a spin. Anyway the lad in yellow, Mark, was the only one of us not to have seen the Millau bridge, so we went that way for him to see it, first mistake!
    We'd stopped for fuel and to warm up in the services, about 10 miles before this incident and as we were drinking our coffee Mark said oh! look at that, it's started to snow. So we thought it would be a good idea to get a move on before it stuck, second mistake!
    Well it did as you can see stick, and a couple of miles later (whilst looking for somewhere to pull off the road) the Triumph went down followed quickly by the Goldwing and then the GS, by pure luck I managed to stay upright.
    Damage was quite low, Triumph had a damaged pannier (luckyly he'd just fitted hand guards for the trip) the Goldwing had no damage at all and the BMW broke off an indicator and gouged the cylinder head.
    Whilst picking the bikes up Mark said to me he'd broken something in his leg as he'd heard it snap,
    I told him not to be such a drama queen and to get on with lifting, anyway whilst all this was going on cars were still passing by quite quickly, which was a little worrying, and eventually a police van noticed us and pulled over. He then, after asking how we were, got on the radio and had someone to come and cone the lane we were in off, and whilst this was happening he started to take our details.
    While he was taking our details a car then slithered across the road and into the back of the police van, this seemed to upset the policeman a bit, and attention was taken away from us.
    After a couple of hours had passed, snowploughs had been through with gritters and they managed to open up one lane, the policeman then said we had 20 minutes to get off the road or be rescued at great expense, it was at this point the lad on the BMW shot off followed by the Goldwing but instead of getting off at the next junction carried on. The police then asked if my mate could ride his bike and he said he'd attempt it. The police then escorted us off the road to the next junction, where he pointed us to the village of Aumont Aubrac, third mistake !
    In the village my mate said he couldn't ride any further so we looked for a hotel for the night, but it turns out they'd all shut for the winter, so I had visions of us sleeping in a shop doorway in the snow.
    But with our first bit of good luck, a chap who had walked past us came back and asked if we were ok, we explained our situation and he said he might be able to help.
    He went off and 10mins later returned with a lady who then opened her Gite up for us to stay in that night.
    The following day Mark got in touch with RAC to see about recovery but they said that as his problem was due to an accident not a break down, they would recover him but at a cost of £165 plus £1 per mile, not an option.
    The two lads who'd gone on, contacted us the next day and we explained the state of play to them, that Mark couldn't ride his bike as his leg was to painful, so the plan of action was for them to hire a van and come back and rescue us, which they did, so mine and Mark's bike were loaded in the van and we then drove back to Millau to retrieve the other two bikes.
    Cutting a long story slightly shorter, Mark didn't get to ride over the Millau bridge, his bike is still in Spain 8miles south of Benidorm, he flew back home, and my Multi went all the way to Spain and back to Millau in a back of a van :)
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. p.s. I broke my bloody hand guard in the back of the van :mad:
  9. Thanks for the detail, sounds like a trip you won't forget in a hurry for all the wrong reasons
  10. Naahhhh !
    It's in the same pile of memories as all the other disastrous trips we've been on :)
    p.s. Mark called in to A&E on the way home from the airport and that's when he found out he'd broken his leg.
  11. Typical Mark ;)

    Sounds a trip to repeat :)
  12. The Long Mynd Shropshire from a couple of weeks ago
    DSC02498 (1).jpg DSC02499 (1).jpg DSC02502 (1).jpg DSC02505 (1).jpg
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  13. Out in the North York Moors near Rosedale Abbey

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  14. Toy run last week
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  15. A few snaps from my tour last September in Northern Spain & Portugal

    Douro Valley

    Vineyards down the Douro Valley

    Picos de Europa






    Parking at the hotel in Potes

    Me and my bike
    #975 steveb123, Dec 18, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2016
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  16. It's those sort of trip that make biking fun and memorable, it feels bad at the time but when you look back you realise how much fun it was rofl, as long as your not the one with the broken bones ;-)
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. My lady's Kawasaki Vulkan S, and my MTS.....
    #977 alvitdk, Dec 23, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2016
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  18. Wales Roadtrip summer 2016. [​IMG]

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  19. WOW! Is that the Enterprise on your Right?! Thought the multi was big....:)
  20. The RT can certainly hustle along. You're right though, it looks huge.

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