1299 Twm Special Components

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Bozz1974, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Can someone please point me in the right direction on where to buy Twm brake and clutch levers for my 1299 please.

    Thanks Dave
  2. Is Google broken Dave?
  3. I have looked on Google and even been on the TWM website but cannot seem to find anyone that sells them, I can only find the Austin racing branded ones.
  4. So chances are they may not have a distribution network. Contact them directly and ask how they'd like to do business. You may even be offered a distribution deal ;)
  5. i got mine from there,only downside is it has bds etched on the front,easy painted in but spoils a good lever
  6. These are the DP leavers without the £150 dat.
  7. I have the twm levers on my 899 with remote span adjuster too. For nearly two years now. Great fit and good quality. Survived a spill at silverstone well too!
    • Agree Agree x 1
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