1200 DVT Dvt, How Does It Compare..

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by J biker, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. In your dreams sunshine ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. knightrider

    probably just concerned you will watching an orange missile feking off down the road in front of you :innocent:
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. i did say the GS ....... and not JB, most would struggle to keep up with you if you were on a 125 ;-)
  4. I have ridden all 3 bikes, just a short ride on the KTM, but to keep it short, and I am short

    KTM great bike, fraction too tall for me, very light, at time of riding no rear rack for box, more naked style of bike. the least touring bike, Way too expensive.
    BMW great all round bike, the slowest in a straight line, but can be ridden very fast by good riders, but for me way too heavy, and although about same now as my DVT in height, it feels much heavier and bigger. get a lot for your money, prob the most comfortable for touring long distances.
    DVT great all round bike feels the lowest seat height and good weight balance, does everything very very well. not as comfortable as the 2016 bike, but huge difference in seat height for me is worth the compromise. Servicing not bad price, and good milage gap, done 13k on mine now, no issues just burns some oil on motorway. (always has) I think if I had to buy another and a year on it would be tighter between the KTM though.
  5. Nice looking bike that Dave , did it make much difference to the handling with the Bst carbon wheels ....they must be pricey mind , has it got a different front screen ? Hard to tell with photo angle ......you do like tricking your bikes out don't ya

  6. Screen is tinted stock, Puig do a screen for the bike now in several tints .

    Bst, can't really say what the difference they make to this particular bike because I fitted them before the bike was used on the road, I'm sure if I revert back to stock now I would tell a huge difference, ive had several sets to various bikes and usually run stock first and the difference is really noticeable also Im getting twice the mileage out of tyres so they do pay for themselves eventually ! I think there £2400 retail from HPS and I'm lucky enough to get mates rates so I never pay the retail, however these i brought elsewhere and paid £1350 with brand new tyres fitted and the rims are like new .

    Yep I like tinkering im a bit obsessive, OCD nut case and ive got a collection of bikes feck no's why but ive even taking to storing them at mates now and today ive seen a thruxton R that I'm finding hard not to buy it.
  7. You say not as comfortable as the 2016 bike. Is that a error, because I have a 2013 model, and when sitting on the DCT it makes me want to slide forward towards the tank. I have spoken to some DVT owners who say that it is a problem, but it is not mentioned on the forum. I get that for shorter riders with the option of reducing the seat height that this may be a compromise worth putting up with. But I find my model to be perfect in the comfort department, which would be a concern if changing for the DVT. I am 5,10 in height. Any feedback from Dvt owners who have moved from the previous model would be appreciated.
  8. New model is no less comfy for me. :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I moved from the twinspark to the DVT and have not had a problem with the comfort of the seat.
  10. In fact, I don't run the low seat on the dvt and I used to on the old one.
  11. I used to find the low seat on the old model uncomfortable, i much preferred the dvt seat.
  12. older bike was more comfy for me , by a considerable amount.
    DVT crushes your balls a bit , tend to use an airhawk on long trips and the seat on the lower setting.
    KTM clocks and switch gear are shockingly bad , never used my indicators on the 1190 cos you can't reach it
    the engine though is superb :)
    Having said that I still wouldn't swap my DVT for a GT looking at the whole package and what I use the bike for
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. I didn't get on with the seat on my 2013 bike. I found it so uncomfortable that I had to get an AirHawk cushion shipped down to Cornwall so I could ride home to Northamptonshire. I ended up buying a Sargent seat which was fine.

    When I purchased a 2015 (DVT) model, I found the seat a bit uncomfortable in the low position and better in the higher position. I started using the AirHawk cushion again, with the seat in the lower position. I ended up buying the Ducati (Touratech) comfort riders seat, at great expense. It uses the same plastic base as the standard seat but has different shape and density of foam, and looks to be a bit thicker (higher) as well. I use it in the lower position and it's comfortable for my 270 mile runs down to Cornwall without needing the AirHawk.

    Seats, like screens, are very personal, you just have to try different options until you find something that works for you.
  14. I had a demo on a DVT and found i was sliding forward too, not very comfortable compared to my 2010 with comfort seat

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I also upgraded to the Ducti Performance seat which was a big improvement (I had one on the old bike as well).
    It stopped this being an issue:
  16. In the low position (which mine is) you do slide forward a little. If on standard height I'm told it doesn't. Worth a go :)
  17. Yeap, that's what I found; you tend to slide forward with the seat in the low position.

    Some owners (on another forum) have tried using just the front spacer to raise the front of seat, leaving off the two side spacers thereby keeping the back in the lower position. This leaves a big gap which could be sorted by modifying the side spacers. At about £5 each, the side spacers are cheap enough to replace if required when selling the bike. Unfortunately I didn't find this modification before buying a Comfort seat (UK list £365).
  18. GT KTM comfort seat £202, that may be plus vat. Its also heated!
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