520 chain thoughts

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Hugh Willmer, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. Hi, thinking of putting a 520 chain and sprockets on my hyper 1100s. What are your thoughts on this idea?
  2. Personally - I would never step down a chain size on a big twin, an Überthrapper - because it might snap the bugger and do this?



    What are your reasons for doing so? Weight?

    If you do decide to do so I can help you out with a case-saver as below to stop you having an Expensive Accident... :upyeah:

    #2 470four, Nov 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  3. G'Day Hugh

    525 is wider and spreads the load over a slightly larger area, 520 is narrower and will wear the sprockets quicker, because the same load is going through the chain.

    ....I pick this off another web forum........
    #3 Android, Nov 24, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2012
  4. Renthal-style lightweight steel & hard-anodised rear sprockets would save some weight on your drivetrain but keep the same chain?
  5. Thanks for the info. Think ill stay with the 525 size chain.
  6. Where is a good place to buy the above bits? Might go bling and get a gold chain
  7. My 748/853 ran a 520, can't remember if that was standard or if I changed it early on in ownership. It would have had more power than the Hyper and weighed more so chain probably had a harder life than it would on a Hyper. Needed C&S around every 9K miles. No other problems whatsoever. Renthal steel front, ally rear, DID or equivalent chain. Wish I'd copied all my notes before passing to new owner.. or hadn't sold it at all.
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  8. The hyper is pushing 104 bhp so need to be sure
  9. Most if not all race bikes use 520....... even 200bhp+ bikes :wink:

    Just make sure you buy a decent one.
  10. And make sure you maintain and change both the chain and sprockets far more often.

    Race bikes do get used harder but also less frequently with higher maintenance regimes and are exposed to less road shite....

    I looked into the change for a road going 848 and after a lot of research decided to stick with 525 when I changed my rear sprocket size.
  11. That's two of us then!
  12. A 520 is stronger than the 525 the 525 pins may be longer therefor are easier to snap
  13. I snapped the chain on my Hyper 1100S last week - the standard DID chain with 22K miles on it.
    Weird thing was that I'd cleaned and lubed the night before and there were only a couple of tight spots that I wasn't too concerned about.
    I was also very lucky - no damage at all to the crank-case or surrounding, just a few nicks and a small chip off the rear carbon chain guard.

    I have replaced it with another 525 chain, but the ZVMX version at around £100 (DID 525ZVMX-104 in blue box) rather than the cheaper VX chain (in yellow box) and knowing what I know now, I wouldn't put a lighter/smaller chain on it!

    I also have 748 but the torque of the 1100 DS engine is much more than the 748, and makes it in a different way, so don't mess with stuff that could end up costing you a lot more!

  14. I put a zvxm on mine nice chain gold inner and outer
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Thanks again for the info, think ill stick with the 525 chain. Whats your thoughts on alloy rear sprockets on the Hyper?
  16. It'll be fine....I'd get a hard anodised one tho.

    They do still wear quicker than steel but weigh nothing in comparison.
  17. +1
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